The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

A price I’m willing to pay.

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She isnt very clever

She has a PhD


Maire T would be a virtue signalling type. If she’s thrown her hat at it then you know there are problems.


Fact is a lot of people live a fair distance from these machines.
She had a grand system in place that is now not fit for purpose. So she has to drive herself.

You still haven’t told us for sure where the money goes either.

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It wasnt a grand system, we had the lowest recycling rates in europe

Anyone that drives to a shop to get 15cent back is a dunce


Green loons know loads about dunces.

It was a perfect system. She recycled everything 100% each week and it was picked up from her house same as all her neighbours, I’m sure. Now she and all her neighbours have to drive to the machines.

Your 15 cent comment was a bit smart by the way. And as for the ‘likes’ from the three ‘Dublin Bay Loftus’ types, I’ll say no more.

Ah here. I just googled Sean (RIP) there now.

He changed his name to Sean Dublin Bay Rockall Loftus before his demise in 2010.

It wasn’t "same as all her neighbours” unfortunately. We don’t recycle anywhere near enough.

Do we have the manpower to recycle enough?

I read somewhere that some of the recycle bin contents are chucked in landfill because we don’t have the people or infrastructure to get through it.

I hope it works. I’m as green as can be. I just can’t fathom all their policies.

I think these machines are more suited to urban communities. Where’s Ireland is still very rural.

Our recycling rates are very high. What we actually recycle of the recycling is very low due to contamination. A separate bin for cans and plastic bottles would have solved this a lot easier.


Moreso the issue was waste companies not recycling the contents of the recycling bins pal.

Victim blaming the public

It wasnt, we dont recycle enough compared to the rest of the eu

Sorry, rural.ireland is a pig sty with bottles

The people who are throwing those on the ground will still do it pal. They couldnt give a toss about the environment. Youre punishing the converted. Same as fly tippers.

Now in fairness it could be a revenue stream for the homeless

They only want the metal. I have to admit that it’s a major problem. I’ve worked in that industry. Everything else sent for incineration.

Some of the segregation machines can be very efficient. But they cost money. Not all companies have machines.

And its the companies that should be targeted for not complying not the consumer. Who is going to recycle the plastic now if its already not being done

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