The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Deposit return scheme collects over five million containers since launch |

Well done everyone, beyond all expectations

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How many non logo containers have had the tax applied to them?

Thanks. Feels good to make a difference.



Yes you know the extra charged on bottles that don’t have the “logo” and therefore can’t be reclaimed?

the government get this?

You might get a rise down at the yacht club

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The student union fuckwit scheme…


We could do with this premier here.



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I think actually using these machines is a cod. It’s one of those progressive measures that only works for well off people. Poorer people don’t have space in their homes to be storing up bottles or cars to be loading them and bringing them back to stores.

I get the reason for it, recycling levels were too low. There must have been some other way to do this though. Measure people’s rubbish by weight and penalise if they’re not recycling maybe. Or penalise producers for excess packaging to reduce plastic use.

The pfand works really well in Germany. They tried to replicate it here but made and total and utter bollox of it

Yeah I’d imagine there must be a better way to do it.

If you ask me on this it was the waste companies just sending all waste to the incinerator even if it was from the home recycling bin. Might be wrong but having a recycling bin at home and paying for it is much easier that the return scheme

People weren’t/aren’t separating their rubbish properly at home, that’s the basic reason this thing was brought in.

That’s not the green loon way.

That is not the reason.

If the Greens were interested in reducing carbon footprint of inward goods then we should be getting our recycling collected for free.

It should be used again by the state and sold for national revenue.

Exporting our recycling when it’s not known where it actually goes is crazy shit.

The main manufacturers should subsidise the collection too, the Cunts.


What’s the reason so? The reason was the to incentivise recycling.

What’s the carbon footprint of inward goods to do with it?

I’d agree with you on the last point, I think the cost should be pushed back onto manufacturers, producers and sellers.

Pushing back onto Sellers only pushes it onto the public.

We should incentivise recycled material use by increasing taxes on profits of those unwilling to use.

No country should be exporting recyclable materials.