The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

The main problem is people not separating and recycling their rubbish. I think the costs should be pushed back on companies rather than consumers but people still have to do the cleaning and separating, that appears to be the key problem.

Here’s what happens to yer recycling.

Gets chopped up. Then goes through a series of vibrating conveyors, centrifugal drums, magnets, pickers, blowers.

Biggest problem is what’s left over. A big pile of shite basically. No use for anything but very combustible. When you hear of a fire at a recycling site, it’s that what self ignites.

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And I have to add. These sites actually ate electricity. All those conveyors.

The biggest recycling site in Limerick can’t get enough electricity from the grid so the main fragmenter is powered by an old train diesel engine and has two or three more diesel generators on site.

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400,000 homes - wow

Eamon Ryan hails ‘rooftop revolution’ as ESB announces one gigawatt of solar power now connected to grid –enough to power 400,000 homes |

Thats brilliant progress, how do we get to to 8GW target by 2030? In 6 years thats a lot of work left to do. The article says 82k homes have panels, would be interesting to see how many had them before the restrictions on 50% of roof space was removed? Would it be possible for those homes to add more and the other side is how do you get more people to start adding them

Solar on the home makes so much sense thats its first free electricity (after the initial capital spend) so ou are only drawing a portion of whats previously used, less requirement of energy for the grid to produce and from tye green party point of view environmentally friendly.

An interesting estimated id love to see is how much could be generated if ever home in ireland had panels? Between that and wind power we wouldn’t be too far from being energy self sufficient

Irish sea windfarm is due to operational in a few years

Will we get the energy mix in bar chart or pie chart. Preferably pie to emphasise how small fossile fuels will get.

82k homes with solar seems large to me based on looking at roofs driving around, how many homes are there in ireland? I would say only 10% of houses have them at max

A lot of newish himes have them

My road would be at 33%

Its not mandatory on new builds, undwr the regulations all builders need to do is a heat pump.

But retrofitting older houses. Heat pumps arent viable for most older houses but solar is definitely am option.

Agreed its mainly newish houses

The way he figured out is to photocopy a bar code (that might be only used once) stick it on a bottle and scan it, so that he can get 15 cents

A bottle is still returned regardless

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Should have kept his beak shut

Great way for the kids to earn some pocket money.


And remove bottles from the street

Eoin reminds me of a girl I used to work with who claimed her brother invented the phrase ‘Chillax’


I read this staring at my dunnes bag

Where does the money go from the uncollected bottle deposits?

Why not just ban them?

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Here you go.


the dark knight joker GIF

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