The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

These were mostly aluminium cans. Can you answer the question?

Scheme really shouldn’t have any impact on your life whatsoever so.

Bought 3 big bags of bottles down earlier, all accepted bar one which didn’t have a logo (i suspect it came home from holidays).


Except he’s down a euro now? Do ye get indoctrinated on wasting other people’s money when ye join the civil service? Or is it a calling?


He’s contributed a euro to environmentally friendly projects. It’s a win all round.

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i would but your story is changing too rapidly to answer the original question

we made assads list guys

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He’s down a euro. There’s a bottle going into the old free recycling system that who knows where its going. The old free recycling system is now threatened to cost more due to the loss of these recyclable products and I still haven’t had any explanation on the justification for increasing the carbon emissions with the extra trucks on the road to service these bottle banks.

Try just putting in gently at the front. I was chatting to a lad from dunnes one day as i was doing my bottles. He was out to clear it and the bin beside it, which has a load of ones people couldnt put in. He then takes them out of that bin and puts them into the recycling. He reckons once it registers your hand in there it refuses point blank. So… you know… maybe just try being a bit gentler.


That’s what she said last night

Yep. I had one can rejected one day before realising it was bought in the '06. Everything else, no bother at all.

I’ve never had any hassle with the return machines
Headbangers seem to have fierce problems using them :man_shrugging:

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Did I post already that the receipts are fading after a few weeks. So don’t let them gather dust in a drawer waiting for Christmas.

I dunno how anyone brings up kids in Laois

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Why would you not just cash the receipt when you’re returning the bottles?

You might have to queue for maybe €2 which sounds a bit mane and a waste of time.

Anyway, I think I also posted that the wife puts them on her Dunnes card now, as soon as.

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They can maximise loads. Each site reports to a cloud platform to show what is ready for collection. They can then optimise collectond by routing vehickes in most efficient manner. One man manning truck to take away baled content from less pickup points and, importantly, only when needed versus lads going for every single doorstep every week irrespective.

Typically people aren’t going to do just the cans. They tie it in with shopping trip so no extra emission beyond usual baseline from the individual.

There is also the energy saved in no longer having to sort at the waste processing. So conveyors of mixed content that need separation, re-running etc are replaced by bailed loads of pre- separated content.


Solar panels are the fucking job. If only eamon can aort out climate change and get better weather for us we will all be laughing to the bank with blue skys

Sounds like a racket.
They are still going to every doorstep and we have to pay more soon

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Its actually maths. Route optimisations are made possible by tech and measurable. We’ll see figures at the end of a year as I’m sure they’ll be benchmarked against baseline emissions of the previous model

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