The Green shit Party - Backtracking to get things done- now incorporating waste of monies by FG

Some advertisement opportunity

Revenue audit incoming.


Neither of them yokes would keep anything dry,they’re some waste of money and space.

Would also be useless for having a smoke.

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I thought turf was banned. They should be shut down immediately.

Turf isn’t banned. The Greens were told get back in their box.

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Turf cutting is causing significant environmental damage to Irish bogs, which are unique and vital ecosystems. Bogs act as crucial carbon sinks, storing large amounts of carbon that would otherwise contribute to climate change if released. When turf (peat) is cut and burned for fuel, this stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, worsening Ireland’s greenhouse gas emissions. The destruction of bogs also threatens biodiversity, as these habitats support rare plants, insects, and bird species. Additionally, bogs play a key role in regulating water quality and preventing flooding.

The hypocrisy around turf cutting is evident when people protest deforestation in the Amazon while continuing to burn turf in Ireland. Both practices lead to habitat destruction, release of carbon dioxide, and loss of biodiversity. Criticizing the devastation of the Amazon rainforest while engaging in activities that harm local ecosystems like Irish bogs reflects a double standard. Although the Amazon’s destruction is more visible on a global scale, the environmental degradation caused by turf cutting locally contributes to the same global challenges of biodiversity loss and climate change. This contradiction highlights the need for consistent environmental policies and individual actions, regardless of where the damage occurs.

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There’s a lot of hypocrisy with this comparison is made as there is a chasm in scale between turf cutting and deforestation. There is no comparison between the two.
But carry on.

Of course there is, both carbon sinks being destroyed at a crucial time in our history. Turf cutting is highly damaging to Irish bogs because these peatlands are fragile ecosystems that have developed over thousands of years. When turf is cut, the structure of the bog is disrupted, and the layers of peat that store carbon are exposed to the air. This exposure causes the carbon that has been sequestered in the bog for centuries to be released as carbon dioxide (CO2), contributing to climate change. Peatlands also play an essential role in water filtration and flood mitigation, so their degradation leads to further ecological issues.

Why Turf Cutting is Damaging to Irish Bogs and Carbon:

  1. Carbon Release: Peatlands are some of the world’s most effective carbon sinks, storing vast amounts of carbon. When turf is cut and burned, this carbon is released into the atmosphere as CO2, increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

  2. Ecosystem Destruction: Bogs are highly specialized habitats that support unique plant and animal species. Turf cutting drains water from the bogs, dries out the peat, and leads to the permanent loss of these ecosystems.

  3. Slow Regeneration: Peat forms incredibly slowly, at a rate of about 1mm per year. Once a bog is damaged through turf cutting, it can take thousands of years for it to fully regenerate, making the loss almost irreversible on a human timescale.

3 Reasons Why Burning Turf is Bad:

High Carbon Emissions: Turf has a high carbon content, and burning it releases large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, significantly contributing to climate change.

Air Pollution: Burning turf emits harmful particulate matter and pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which can worsen air quality and lead to respiratory health problems.

Resource Depletion: Turf is a finite resource. Over-extraction for fuel can permanently deplete bogs, leading to long-term environmental damage and the loss of natural carbon storage systems.

You need to stop copy and pasting mate


That was very informative.


ChatGPT generated Fagan.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

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Self praise is no praise as me father used say.