The guess the pub thread

Spot on, is there a sign somewhere in the photo you saw :sweat_smile:

No sign and I’ve never been in there but have looked in a couple of times when passing and the door was open. It must be the darkest pub in Limerick. Were you there?

I walk past it everyday on my lunch time for about 2 years & yesterday I heard voices inside.

I thought no fuckin way this place is open… low and behold it was. I was sure it was derelict.

No signs on the outside & not much light into the place. Had 1 pint & went on my way.


Seems to be tipping away all the time. I’ll have to brave it some day. The Cauldron on the other side of the road closed down before I made it in there.

There was 4 locals. One man from St Marys park proudly told me he’d been there since 8am & was on his 6th pint. No card machine in there.


You’re in now, I can just say I know @FlakeAway if anybody starts anything.

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What’s Radcliffes like on the corner there? It catches my eye every time I drive past but I’ve never been that side for pints. I’m going to hit that and the mall bar some evening before I head into town

He knows the secret handshake now.

It’s a €5 cash in the hand

Radcliffe’s is grand. Bit musty and 70s style furnishing. Cowhey’s behind it is worth a look into also.

Maybe Cowhey’s is the Mall bar?

I was only thinking yesteday there mustn’t be too many left in the city I haven’t had a pint in & had a look online. Them 2 were the ones missing. I must venture up to The Mall next.

It was €5 a Guinness & i’m pretty sure he told me it was €5.50 a pint bottle. Must be the lowest in the city.

It is, it goes by the Mall on google but I think it has the other name over the door

I was in Gerry Power’s and the Market bar last Christmas in a kind of alternative 12 pubs. I think it was a fiver in both.

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I was waiting for the bus on Willum Street there about 2 years ago after work & I said i’d go in for a pint. Place was very busy & I saw a fella shit his pants by the bar, his friend telling him go into the jacks to clean himself up. Ill never forget the smell wafting in there. Serious pint though as far as i can remember.


Cowheys/The Mall is known as Angela’s. Was a big pub for Shannon rugby back in the day.

Who runs Gerry Power’s these days? Gerry’s son was in there on my last visit many years back.

There were just a few harmless auld fellas enjoying a quiet pint when I was in there, decent pint but don’t feel the need to ever revisit the place. The Market bar is a dump.

Have you covered the Launch near Donkey’s? Another intimidating looking spot that I haven’t ventured into yet.

Oh man, I’d drink there if i.was in Limerick. Lovely looking spot. Can’t beat a dark pub.

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There’s dark and there’s dark.

I have two glaring black holes in my city drinking map, those few on the way to Corbally, and Slatterys the imperial and Murphys all around the train station.

I ticked off the North Star recently enough which I had been threatening for ages and never got around to.

You want the pub to be dark, not the atmosphere. I’d say you could be on the wrong side of the latter if you timed your trip wrong

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