The guess the pub thread

I had a good root through them last Friday night.Nothing there I’d wear though.


Josh will be warm for the winter anyway

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5.70 in Iron Mikes as well

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Some collection

The Canada Goose definitely belongs to one of the Hartys

I pass this everyday, when did it close?

A good while ago. I’d say 15 or so years ago but that’s only a guess.

Never set foot in the place. Wasn’t very inviting. Didn’t look much better when it was open :smiley:

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I would guess that the clientele probably wasn’t great, to be fair!

I think it was a place to procure ladies of the night at one stage.

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My older brother lived in limerick for a while, I’d say he’s 13 years gone (from Limerick)
A very very moderate drinker but loved calling into all those dive pubs around town, I think he was very fond of the West End, salt of the earthers, never had any hassle in there anyway, or anywhere else for that matter

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I’m a long while gone from Limerick but what was the name of the other dodgy place around the corner from the west end? Next to Dolans?


Ma Ryan’s?


Ma Ryan’s had a brothel of sorts operating upstairs of it for a good while circa 15 to 20 years ago akin to the railway hotel.

A complete hovel of a place I believe.

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Even years before that it had a reputation. When your forward missed a sitter, the general opinion was “He wouldn’t score in Ma Ryans”


@The_Puke was a divil for it apparently.

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I’d a few friends that lived in an apartment a few doors up that I spent a fair amount of time in around 20 years back. I’d say the lads moved out in 2007 and I think it was still open then. They only went in there once or two in their 4/5 years living on the street. You’d see a few of the working women out at the door having a smoke there a fair bit, but I don’t think there was ever much trouble in there. I only walked past it myself the other night for the first time in years. There’s some amount of pubs I never went into in Limerick. I proposed it to a newspaper or magazine before many years ago - ‘12 Pubs of Limerick That You’ve Never Been To’ - where I did a day going around into 12 random/ slightly dodgy looking Limerick pubs supping pints. The editor had ‘insurance worries’ about the whole palaver and decided against it.


That’s the one👍

I’d love it if it turned out the Pet Shop Boys wrote West End Girls about this place.


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