The guess the pub thread

I think I asked for expenses for the pints too :slight_smile:


This is a grand hidden gem. Doesn’t be open too often. I met Niall Gilligan inside there. He’s a raw enough fucker.

You should meet the father - raw as they come.

He despises soccer and used to make a point of walking into any pub in sixmilebridge on a Sunday when it would be on the tv and regardless who was playing when lads would start making noise watching it he would start shout “Hon Giggsy, boy” at the top of his voice to be winding lads up.

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I’d say he could have been with him but I’m not certain.

Never chanced there or Ryan’s.
But what was Dolan’s known as before it’s name was changed?

Stopped in Ma Ryan’s once, your typical pub of that ilk, basic layout, dirty, good pints. It was a brothel for years.

I think I’m thinking of Clem Smith’s. That was know as Carey’s of course and before that The Mill Tavern.

I think it’s in there we used go off night shift. Early licence and a pool table was all we needed.

Some quart hawks in there at that hour. But had a better clientele that the other early openers.

When Ciaran had it twas gone to the dogs by the end. He was just fucking down sawdust over the ground, and never cleaning up what was down. It was up over the top of your shoes for a finish up and the smell in there :face_vomiting:

Wasn’t a good fit for either party.

Clem had a fine business going there for a while. Was the Mary I pub and the Guards pub and he could do what he wanted in there. Often ended up in there after the night club


He’d the lock in there after the 2013 Munster final win. He should have held out for 2018. He’d be retired now.

Is the long haired lad who used to work behind the bar still about the place?

I lived close enough to it for a while, it was customs and revenue that done him for a finish. I nearly came to blows with one of the Tobins from Murroe who was ballobaas in there one Monday evening only for Clem to have a quiet word with me to inform me he was a guard.

There great men for an after hours in rural pubs about the place

Is or was working in Charlie Malones

Is that the same fella? Jesus.

Joe - a good egg.

Poor auld @the_dunph got caught a beauty about him back in the day

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He’s still going strong there. A great bar man

Supposedly he was raided for opening late one time by a new sergeant in Limerick and the Guards called down to apologise to him the following day and told him it wouldn’t be an issue again.



He was there on Monday I can confirm

The Wire Laugh GIF

Before Carey had it, it was called Moby Dick’s I’m almost sure. Ciarán Carey took it over while I was in college. I picked up two copies of the book at the weekend (one for the in-laws).

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