The guess the pub thread

Correct I’d say, although the book isn’t clear on this.

Have you the missing nipples?

Yep, that’s the spot alright.

Anything on squire maguires?

Will ye buy the book ffs, it’s for charity :grinning:

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I must get that book. I’d enjoy it

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Can you post up the west end?

Is there a Dublin equivalent?

That’s the last freebie. Buy the fucking thing now


I picked up the paperback edition in O’Mahonys. I have it on good authority another small run of the hardback will be launched in October. They’ll be gone long before Christmas. The first run of hardback is completely sold out.

A fella called ‘nuxer’ or ‘noxer’ something along those lines ran the pub there for awhile, i was in it a few times. He’s since passed.

What is the name of this book, please? Looks great.

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Paul is a FOTF.


Thanks very much. Will certainly get a copy.


Down Syndrome Limerick is the only place selling them online. O’Mahonys Limerick have them on the shelves.

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A trip to Limerick might in order. O’Mahony’s only have paperpack copies?

Correct. There will be some hardbacks available again from early/mid October. Will be quite a limited supply I reckon.

Is that the Willie Banks who is a hurling gk coach?


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A gent of a man. Very good coach to boot.

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