The Ian Bailey is dead thread

You were right the first time though.

He has the look of a guilty man about him but if he was then why hasn’t he been charged?

To answer my own question.

"Under French law, anyone found guilty of a crime in absentia is entitled to a second trial in France where they will be present in court and represented by defence lawyers. "

So ah, when he rang the other couple and said a french woman was found dead, before it was announced on the news, where did that info come from? And the cuts on his arm from climbing a christmas tree? And him disappearing for a few hours to do a bit of writing, contradicting an earlier account? Some awful harmless lads on here

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Like yourself who take the totally discredited Garda investigation as the gospel. DPP took one look and said no fucking way

If you cant disprove any points all you have to do is say that, no need to jump in and defend the dpp just because you get coffee for them. The guards fucked up parts, the farrell one being a complete fruitcake discredited a lot but that doesn’t affect the evidence thats there. Not enough for a prosecution but very questionable. But trying to look smart is more important than justice in your book, the same attitude throughout the law library you wish you were part of

You clearly haven’t the first clue about the case, so I’ll leave you alone in your little I’ll educated bubble/hedge.

Again no points or argument just sneering, a quick retreat from you too, no shock there

What purports to be a criminal justice system in France is some joke.

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You didn’t deal with much in your first post apart form sneering about me wanting to be a barrister, again a fallacy, I’d suggest you have a look at the evidence from Bailey’s civil proceedings which were statute barred and the DPP comments.

You flailing and floundering all over the place here pal.

Still no reply, don’t be trying to engage if you’re not able you come across as a mouthpiece

I’ve told you where to look, if you’re incapable of looking at that then you’re at nothing.

You’re the one making out he knows it all but have just offered a bit of pompous sneering. So the couple who said bailey told them about a woman being found, before it was announced (where he said he heard) explain that one

I heard frank buttimer earlier on local radio, he was absolutely livid!!
I don’t think bailey had anything to do with tbh, frenchies looking to close the case and be done with it, unreal that Ms du plantier was murdered 23 years ago next week

Frank has ran into a lot of dead ends with Ian Bailey. That Civil Case he took on in the High Court ran for something like 64 days and then at the very end Bailey’s case was thrown out on a statute of limitations issue with a costs order against Bailey. I hope someone somewhere is picking up the tab for Frank and the blue chip service that he’s provided.

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Some would say the unfortunate Ms. Du Plantier ran into one with him too

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So, being the country’s foremost site for wild unsubstantiated heresy, conjecture, and speculation, who do we actually think killed Ms du plantier?

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A Cork Weirdo , but that doesn’t narrow it down


Have you listened to the West Cork podcast series?

While I don’t know who killed Sophie, I am fairly convinced that Ian Bailey most certainly did not. He is definitely guilty of being a narcissist oddball but he didn’t commit this murder.