The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Thatā€™s good enough for me


What actual evidence do they have on him?

That he previously admitted to beating his wife?

theyve fuck all on him. the keystones even managed to lose a 5 bar gate with blood splatters on it and pages were ripped out of garda log books. they had their suspect and then tried to make the evidence fit.

dont get me wrong, bailey is a woman beating cunt, but he didnt kill STDP


Ah come on.

There is definitely a cover up going on there.

the thought is that a local sgt, now deceased was boning SDTP and thatā€™s how al the evidence went AWOL

the most damning part of that article

ā€œHereā€™s what Judge Nial Fennelly wrote, after reviewing secret recordings in which gardai discussed the case: ā€œMembers of An Garda Siochana involved in the investigation, including the officer responsible for preparing the report for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, were prepared to contemplate altering, modifying or suppressing evidence that did not assist them in furthering their belief that Mr Bailey murdered Madame Toscan du Plantier.ā€ā€

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There is no evidence aside from the fact that Bailey was an heavy drinking oddball, narcissist who had beaten his wife and his face obviously did not fit in deepest darkest West Cork and was deemed the easiest/most believable person to pin it on.

Bailey certainly hasnā€™t helped himself but as Art alluded to there was a fit up against him to protect the real murderer which was also aided and abetted by hugely incompetent police work from a rural station not equipped to investigate such a crime.

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Iā€™d say it was absolutely fair to think of Bailey as a possible suspect, but then they went mental and just decided to force all the evidence around it onto him. Iā€™m not sure I buy the massive cover up story, I could be wrong but surely it would have come out by now, if the instigator is dead? Surely involved a lot of people who couldnā€™t all be such absolute bastards as to be able to live with that for the rest of their lives?
Anyway Ian Bailey is most likely entirely innocent and if so has been horrendously treated by the state.

A cover up of their ineptitude absolutely, a cover up of the fact that they were framing Bailey absolutely, but Iā€™m not sure about the story they were framing him to cover for someone else. Generally I think they were just completely incompetent and protected by a rotten system.

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It may well have just been a handfulr people driving it and pulling all the strings while the rank and file went along with the theory that Bailey was the only man blissfully ignorant to the fact what was being covered up.

I suppose weā€™ll never know.

Youā€™d make a great making a murderer part II out of this one

And that is the sad fact of this for STDP family and for Ian Bailey and his.

Would Bailey not be as well off going to France to fight this at this stage. I know you donā€™t want to put your life in the hands of a load of frogs, but the small bit of evidence they had against him in the first place is completely unraveled at this stage, the main witness has recanted her statement even and the Guards have lost or tampered with all the evidence

written by GOD before her breakdown and the death of her husband

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Far lower levels of proof required for a murder conviction in France than here. If he goes to France heā€™s guilty

the other thing is that the frogs have based their prosecution on an inherently flawed, corrupt and discredited investigation

I was reading the comments on that there and I ended up down a whole other rabbit hole and not a tap of work done for the day :joy:



unfortunately in our corrupt little state its far from unprecedented