The Ian Bailey is dead thread

id imagine quite a few given that you lurk around bolton and rochdale :smiley:

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I bestride the northern English slums like a colossus


An urban legend

Got pissed in a pub alright and think she fell off a swing.


It was in a house

I think it was Sophieā€™s where Bailey fell off the swing. The plot thickens.


What was the story where the guard went to interview a witness and when she came back out of the kitchen he had his lad out

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Iā€™m happy to believe the French authorities here.


I think Frank said on the West cork podcadt that he took on the case no foal no fee

Frank loves the limelight, but I doubt very much heā€™s doing this pro bono. Bailey is surely entitled to legal aid at the least.

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Hedid a couple of the JRs for free, as Bailey wouldnā€™t have gotten legal aid for them and he lost. Iā€™d actually say buttimer has done a huge amount of free work on this as he genuinely believes in Baileyā€™s innocence.

Iā€™ve seen him be interviewed about other cases and heā€™s never as animated as when talking about Baileyā€™s injustices

I have it on good authority that Sophie Toscan Du Plantier was murdered by a German serial-killer who was in Cork at the time and killed himself shortly after but I canā€™t remember his name.

Frank Oā€™Prussia


i remember this one , a couple from NI were on holiday , he was in a pub on his own and was saying it in a mocking, theatrical tone whilst full- this action would be consistent with his behaviour which is consistently narcissistic and eccentric,
i have followed all trials extensively and philip boucher hayesā€™ daily summations on drive time after the 5pm news for the trial a number of years ago were outstanding where he provided the dialogue whilst impersonating the characters cc @TreatyStones .
I can never imagien Bailey blubbering in real life but i cam imagine him doing it in an extremely mocking fashion to entertain a few characters in a pub.
Now the yarns from the trial were outsanding - i most repost the one where the Gardai tried to set up a local simpleton woman to give evidence and he later met her in the toilet of a pub and after dropping his pants asked her " did she want some of this", - the same gaurd was refernced to saying how they needed to " string up the lanky english bollucks"ā€¦
there was a similar yarn about bailey sitting naked reciting poetry down in courtmacsharry one night- then there was the homelesss former english soldier ( classic west cork) who gave utterly shambolic evidence,
theyā€™ll never get him to france- buttimer will go to the supreme court and itā€™ll be objected to

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That West Cork podcast is great. Bailey is some oddball.
While I couldnā€™t rule out Bailey as the murderer, the fact that the French have him convicted is madness with the paucity of evidence. Complete show trial lasted only about 2 days. They didnā€™t even have anyone in court to offer a defence. Only prosecution case put forward.
Iā€™m amazed with our decision to extradite him.

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I have an image of Keith Floyd in my head there

yeah - that would be him tho
there is a vincent keeney ( speaking of cork oddballs) element to Buttimer - the pompous statement he gave on the radio last night summed him up, he;s an ideal partner for Bailey tbh
You see his name regularly in the courts reports on the echo tho defending lads who skipped bail or defacated in someoneā€™s garden, id say the Bailey trial is almost like a passtime for him - the gaurds in cork must hate him

If they got into any bother themselves he would be the first fella they would ring