The Ian Bailey is dead thread

he handed over DNA, blood and hair samples when requested and no traces of him was found on STDP. she was found with a clump of hair in her hand which the gardai first said was hers and then it magically disppeared along with the gate, the witness statements, the job books etc etc


Nothing there that exonerates anyone.

This is great. Sid vs Art are going at it like Lionel Hutz vs Lionel Hutzā€™ non-union Mexican equivalent.

Were there any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of GODā€™s husband?


really? a woman beaten and battered to death, who fought back and not at any stage did bailey manage to get any of his DNA or anything like that on her?

no, he died from MND

Damn! But still, surely itā€™s not beyond the capabilities of TFK to manufacture some way to convict GOD of this?

Nor did anyone else it seems :grimacing:

like i said, a blood splattered gate, the hair in STDPā€™s hand and numerous other pieces of evidence have disappearedā€¦

Could have been anything or nothing on there.

At least you didnā€™t call me the scab :grin:

ā€œI have hearsay and conjecture. They are both kinds of evidenceā€

Iā€™m sure Gemma could come up with a good conspiracy to implicate herself in her husbandā€™s death

Something along the lines of her poisoning him with chemtrails

Didnā€™t Bailey get pissed in a pub in 1998 and blubber out ā€œI did it, I did it!ā€


a clump of hair

how many murders with a beating and a knife have you seen where there was no physical evidence (DNA, fingerprints, blood etc) of the killer

that would imply that youd actually work

I do work

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Well how many murders do you think Iā€™ve seen exactly Lionel?