The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Its too complex a case for that.

I canā€™t see any motive for him to do it. This looked to have all the hallmarks of a crime of passion from a jilted lover who was known to the victim. STDP and Bailey has no such relationship before the murder.

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It seems Bailey is Irelandā€™s Lee Harvey Oswald

All we need now is Oliver Stone to make a film about the case, maybe Gemtrails will make one instead

Are we sure about this?

I agree though. Definitely a case of flipping after an initial meeting between two acquaintances. Probably a sexual advance spurned.

Werenā€™t there two wine glasses found inside?

Surely such a person, if it was somebody other than Bailey, would have been very easy to identify

Yes, they may have crossed paths I.e been in the same pub or shop at the same time but there was no pre existing relationship

Did he make a comment to someone about her arse or something?

I have never put in as much effort into a post before so I appreciate the like. Sometimes my curiosity gets the better of me and I just run with it. I end up consuming every morsel of material relating to the subject matter in order to remove all doubt in my mind before forming an opinion one way or another. I wish the original post was shorter because I myself never read posts that long but there are 5 or 6 core points which I articulated that just donā€™t sit right with me with regards to Bailey.


I think that goes for so many unsolved murder cases in Ireland.

Does it go for that many though?

Maybe for the disappeared like Fiona Pender etc., but thereā€™s no body in cases like that

What percentage of murders go unsolved, and what percentage of murders of this type go unsolved, I wonder?

Not many I would have thought

Raonaid Murray would be one

When you see the gate and other material pieces of evidence which disappeared, were botched or just not acted upon which could now be used with the improvement in DNA testing it only shrouds the thing in even more mystery. Bailey is an odd ball and not a criminal mastermind and I donā€™t see how he could have committed the crime without leaving a shread of dna or a footprint at the scene. Given that he was drinking hard at the time I just donā€™t think it would be possible given the struggle and violent death

Thereā€™s an outstanding case in Newbridge, Kildare where a family was targeting by arson resulting in the death of the father of the family. It was a case of mistaken identity. Nothing has happened in 10 years. I find it hard to believe that the guards donā€™t know who is responsible and also that there is evidence somewhere - meanwhile the poor family are going out of their mind. I think the mother died shortly after the fire also.

Yeah fair point.

Whatever happened with yer man Livingstone out in Malahide whose wife was murdered?

My recollection of that is that everybody thought he did it, but he didnā€™t do it at all

It think it was the RA (or was almost certainly the RA) wasnā€™t it?

Youve been down this road before.

A most insightful post containing much information I was not aware of. Thank you


Id go so far as to say its an unrale post


Tax inspector wasnā€™t he?

Whoever did the killing had the great good fortune to have the then incumbent state pathologist, who was a walking bombscare

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Is there a map with all these points of interest? It would make things a lot clearer in my mind anyway.