The Ian Bailey is dead thread

id suggest that you read the morris tribunal report

the gate was lost, incredibly. i believe that AGS retain other evidence

Iā€™d say honestly that some guard spotted in the lock up and thought itā€™d be grand to close a gap on the farm.


if it has forensic evidence, it shouldnt be kept in a station, it should be in the garda forensic bureau

Do they still have her clothes?

Totally irrelevant. Weā€™re going from Mizen head to Malin head here. My point remains there was no DNA that has of yet created a DNA profile that rules Bailey from the frame.

Thereā€™s the makings of a fantastic Line of Duty parody based on the Gardai.

You wouldnā€™t put it past them.

Honestly I bet thatā€™s what happened

irrelevant you say? thereā€™s been malpractice and mishandling of evidence in all of the garda divisions for manys the years, west cork is not immune from that allegation by any stretch of the imagination. from the conduct of this case and the recorded calls, its hard to see how any reasonable person could come to the conclusion that AGS there played it straight in any element of this case.

in that case we can rule bailey out as being H

There was absolutely no physical evidence on Grahame o dwyer either art.
There literally was hearsay and conjecture.

a FFS, lets compare compare apples and honey badgers FFS

thats because it wasnt a violent sustained assault. also because all they found of elaine ohara was bones.

You agree then :+1:

Can anybody explain the legal technicalities around how Bailey has been tried and could possibly be imprisoned in France for a crime committed in Ireland?

Napoleonic law in France

The French have a law that they can investigate and imprison a murderer of any French citizen no matter where the crime happened

Informative rating. But would this law not have to be factored into in any extradition treaty or in EU law?

The EU is irrelevant in terms of extraditions. Iā€™d imagine Bailey could take a case to some European court alright but heā€™d have to wait for them to agree to extradite him first Iā€™d guess before he could appeal it higher, and Iā€™d imagine your talking a serious wedge and he hasnā€™t two buttons to rub together

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thereā€™s a whole legal saga on this. the irish courts, quite rightly, told the frogs to fuck off as when the european arrest warrant was issued it was for questioning and becuase theres no corresponding offence in irish law.

now that he has been convicted, the frogs have come with another EAW and because the irish govt, deliberately id imagine, didnt implement certain safeguards contained in the directive, thereā€™s a live possibility he could go to france, unless the supreme court decide that the law cant be applied retrospectively.

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