The Ian Bailey is dead thread

So Bailey’s legal argument would surely surround this factor?

nope, it will be the retrospective element that he’ll attack. a directive can be implemented any way the govt like as long as the general thrust is followed, for the courts to interfere here would be a breach of separation of powers.

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Starring Pat Shortt

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surprise surprise. another murder where the garda try to fit the evidence to suit their suspect rather than be led by the evidence

How in the name of good fuck has the above post not commanded any likes?

cc @TreatyStones

I thought long and hard about it but it was not up to your usual standards. It was an open goal and you made hard work of it.

Journalist and poet Ian Bailey (62) will appear before Cork District Court in March on summonses issued over alleged drug driving.

Mr Bailey - who is fighting extradition to France after he was convicted in absentia last year of the murder of film executive and

mother of one Sophie Toscan du Plantier (39) in 1996 - faces a total of four summonses.

The counts all arise from an alleged incident on August 25 last year outside Schull. Mr Bailey was stopped by Gardaí while driving outside Schull and taken to Bantry Garda Station after he failed a roadside alcohol breathalyzer test.

He was subsequently released without charge. Mr Bailey issued a statement 24 hours after the incident to The Irish Independent in response to media reports.

“I can confirm that on Sunday evening last, I was stopped at a garda checkpoint outside Schull," he said. “I failed a roadside breathalyzer test.”

"At that point, I was taken to Bantry Garda Station where I subsequently passed the electronic (alcohol) test. The treatment by

gardai towards me was courteous at all times," he said.

Mr Bailey declined to comment further. The alleged incident occurred in Schull around 9pm on Sunday, August 25. However, Mr Bailey now faces four summonses on the basis of samples which were taken by gardaí and sent for further analysis.

Mr Bailey faces one summons over alleged drug driving, two summonses over the alleged possession of cannabis and one summons for allegedly allowing his vehicle to be used for the possession of drugs namely cannabis.

The summonses are expected to be dealt with before Bantry District Court in March. The journalist, poet and law graduate has lived in west Cork with his partner, Welsh artist Jules Thomas, for almost 30 years.

He sued the State for wrongful arrest after claiming his life had been destroyed through the wrongful association with the du Plantier murder investigation.

Mr Bailey also insisted that “sinister attempts” were made to frame him for the crime. He also lodged a complaint with the Garda Síochana Ombudsman Commission (GSOC) over his alleged treatment by some gardaí.

The French mother of one was found beaten to death by her holiday home outside Toormore on December 23 1996. Mr Bailey was arrested for questioning by Gardai in respect of their investigation in 1997 and 1998.

He was released without charge on both occasions. The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) later ruled out any prosecution in Ireland over the killing.

However, following a lengthy investigation launched in France under Magistrate Patrick Gachon in 2007, Mr Bailey was tried in absentia before a Paris court last May.

He was convicted before the non-jury trial and sentenced to 25 years in prison for Ms du Plantier’s killing. The French have twice failed in attempts to have him extradited from Ireland under European Arrest Warrants.

A third extradition hearing is due before the High Court next month. Mr Bailey was also ordered by the Paris court last May to pay over €225,000 in compensation to Ms du Plantier’s family and the French State.

He has consistently denied the charges, and did not attend the week-long trial in Paris. Mr Bailey rejected the French prosecution as “farcical” and “a show trial.”

He warned that he was convicted before the trial even opened. The journalist previously confirmed he has “absolutely no intention” of paying anything on foot of the French court order.

Way late to this party, but just finished the podcast and she’s mental! Saw in an article that she said the guards threatened to make public she had a secret child in Longford anyone know if there’s any truth in this??? And if she was out alone that night and no one was with her husband why isn’t he a suspect???

Great day for the bard, and a lovely two-fingers to the dirty, incompetent and downright unethical institutions of the state. And the French too, of course.

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No surrender to the surrender monkeys!
Unfortunately when perfidious Albion calls the Free State bends the knee.

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He’s guilty as sin.

Freudian slip by Buttimer there on morning Ireland

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Bad one alright

??? What he say

He was doing so well until then.

He said Mr Bailey for years has always expressed remorse to STduP family, followed by a panicked backtrack to say sympathy instead. I’d say Mary Wilson nearly choked on her coffee.



Where can one listen to the West Cork podcast?


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