The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Should one be a little wary of any theory of Gemmas given where we are now?


I was going to say, i watched the first few minutes last night and it opened with something like “Jim Sheridan has had a huge interest in the case for the last 25 years” or Jim Sheridan has had a huge interest in the case since he realised he could get paid to make a documentary out of it

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Famous movie directors would only be slightly above Gemtrails in terms of trustworthiness dealing with real life murder cases. At best.

General feeling seems to be that it is shit.

Hard pass.

That was before the psychotic break. It’s a well researched article and the main elements are true

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It suits people to use her craziness now to dismiss genuinely good public interest journalism back in the day. Doorstepping Callinan got her fired and we had to read about it in the guardian for example.

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I’ll take a PM as to the identity of the alco cop

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post:515, topic:18871, full:true”] The forensics results were mad - only Sophie’s blood at scene and on a gate

Strange as it may seem the gate has disappeared. Now you could lose a bloodstained biro or such but a fucking gate ffs……. A giant conspiracy…

Dont think you need a pm. I’d say its already out there

THE Director of Public Prosecutions demolished the garda case against Ian Bailey, the self-confessed suspect for the murder of Sophie Toscan du Plantier.

The full details of a damning critique by officials in the DPP’s office of the gardai’s investigation into her death are disclosed for the first time today. This follows yesterday’s unanimous Supreme Court decision that Mr Bailey should not be extradited to France to be questioned as part of a murder investigation.

The review – completed in 2001 – found:

  • No evidence linking him to the crime, including a chronic lack of forensic evidence against the Englishman.

  • Serious concerns over garda practices, including an overdependence on unreliable witnesses.

  • A garda fixation with aspects of Mr Bailey’s personal life – and with a possible sexual motive to the murder.

  • Gardai ignored instructions not to arrest Mr Bailey’s partner Jules Thomas on suspicion of aiding and abetting the murder.

The DPP repeatedly refused to prosecute Mr Bailey, detailing in the 2001 report the “unsafe practices” that some gardai engaged in during the high-profile murder inquiry. These included claims that at least one garda offered cash, clothes and drugs to a vulnerable drug abuser in exchange for information about Mr Bailey.

The approach of some of the gardai seems to have been intended to elicit a particular response from witnesses, according to the report.

Ms Thomas’ original arrest and questioning on suspicion of the murder was deemed unlawful by the country’s top prosecutor.

Decent source there in fairness

Will de paper suffice

Art that’s all well and good, but it doesn’t mean bailey is innocent. He’s a creepy English fucker. Good enough for me.

actually, in the eyes of the law in ireland, Bailey is innocent and entitled to a presumption of innocence, even if he is a creepy english fucker

Why is a PM necessary if the cunt’s dead. Sure you can’t libel a dead person or is that just bullshit?

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That’s my point.

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Maybe it’s what you’re all talking about here but I’m not arse trawling back.

Has this documentary aired yet?

Could have been here I saw it but there was an intriguing reference somewhere to guards being astonished at the number of undocumented foreigners* living in West Cork.

  • Not the precise term

Yes turns out the cops knew internal affairs were setting them up

Documentary is very good. As befits a multi Academy Award nominated director.

I think the documentary has twice suggested a person (not Bailey) who murdered Sophie. Not a cop.

A phrase that will be heard often from the gillies of lough Corrib in the not too distant future.