The Ian Bailey is dead thread

is it on IP tv yet?

There’s a Netflix documentary out soon as well.
Was reading that Sophie Tuscan du Plantiers family asked for their interviews to be removed from the Jim Sheridan doc.

Murder at the Cottage allows you to conclude that Ian Bailey was stitched up by gardaĂ­ (

From what I read before seems Bailey was only suspect that Gardai were interested in.

Dinny Byrne in Glenroe used to buy eggs in Quinnsworth, throw a bit of chicken shit on them and sell them as free range.


Not sure pal.

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indeed, the gardai tried to make the evidence fit the only suspect they wanted, rather than following the investigation. its a case study in how not to conduct a criminal investigation

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Any idea who else could/would have done it if Bailey didn’t Art?

The impression so far is that the lads in Cork didn’t want to listen to technical bureau lads from Dublin - also Dublin was a seven hour drive away in Christmas traffic and it was day before Christmas Eve so Dublin lads and Professor Harbison weren’t delighted to have to head down

It’s sort of suggested one lad so far but no more than that. She’d been having an affair that ended two years earlier but the husband and ex boyfriend were in France.

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sure the murder scene was a mess after an hour, the amount of evidence that was trashed, went missing etc etc is a disgrace.

add to that that even the evidence they had was never followed, makes the case a total clusterfuck, more than likely delibreately

the cop that was knocking boots with STDP

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By God

Did gardaí target Bailey to shield Sophie’s killer? By Gemma O’Doherty. - Village Magazine

I watched a bit of Sheridan’s documentary. The forensics results were mad - only Sophie’s blood at scene and on a gate and a clump of hair under her finger nails who was not Bailey’s. Sophie’s blood only the door of the house, but un disturbed inside. A theory was that killer was forensically aware yet left the rock and the block by her body.

It’s almost like there was so much contaminating going on that they said fuck it, we can use any so we’ll just say it was all hers.

Also what was Sheridan at interviewing the headbanger Marie Farrell?

Making money out of the whole sorry mess.

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Was she a headbanger or a woman pushed to the edge by an inept local Garda force who wanted a conviction by any means,major cock up right from the get go

If this corrupt guard is dead why don’t they name him?

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All episodes are on sky crime. I watched the first 3 last night.

Don’t know if it’s on iptv yet though

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