The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Fair point.

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I love the way you have this thing where you consistently object to the use of the word fascist and then immediately turn around and unironically call others fascists. :grinning:


You are some bleedin dullard.


Ah yeah. I’m the dullard. :grin:

You’ve been arse trawling for years you deviant.

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Unless I’m wrong, the scratches from thorns on his hands and arms that were similar to those on the victim? They weren’t there the night before when he was in the pub, they were there the next day. He said he got them cutting down a Christmas tree, but he was hardly doing that on the 23rd as he was at the crime scene all day. Besides, he did part time gardening so it’s unlikely he would have shredded himself cutting down a Christmas tree.

Told a 16 year old student he gave a lift to that he “went up there with a rock and bashed her fucking brains out”

He’s a creep with a history of violence against women.

I’ll have to start listening to the West Cork podcast soon. Everyone I know who’s listened to it says Bailey is definitely guilty. Before that I thought maybe he was innocent but I won’t defend him again until I give that podcast a go.

The Irish establishment seem very adamant to pin it on Brady without much evidence.

@Thomas_Brady you murdering cunt

Or sorry Bailey.

Highly circumstantial at best.

The photographer who accompanied him to the scene as first reporter didn’t notice anything on his hands and there was evidence of a spruce tree being cut in his garden.

I think the theory of it being a Gardai is the most plausible.

I listened to it and felt the obvious conclusion was that he is guilty of being an oddball, sociopath. But on the Dave of it innocent of the murder and was stitched up

I was far less sure he was guilty after listening to it.

Not sure what part of Cork you’re from but I thought the local opinion was that it wasn’t Bailey?

Couldn’t be further from Schull really within the county but definitely at the time, and I followed it live at the time, people thought he was guilty. I’d say that has changed over time but he is still suspect no 1 down there really


Finished the Jim Sheridan documentary
After listening to the West Cork podcast and reading a book by author who features in documentary I reached same conclusion after each
Bailey is certainly an odd sort, seems unpleasant and history of domestic abuse but no evidence at all to charge him (as DPP ruled).
Looked like Gardai were quick to settle in him as main/only suspect
Before podcast/doc I would have thought him guilty after listening/watching much less sure

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A Garda.

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