The Ian Bailey is dead thread

The documentary is a complete meh.

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What about Bailey burning all his clothes in a bonfire on Christmas Day, the day after the murder? I’d say that’s fairly good evidence against him.

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It confirmed my suspicion that anyone who recites poetry in public is a bit strange.


season 7 GIF

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How did they ever convict anyone of murder before they invented forensics? It’s a miracle.


Have they still got the DNA from the clumps of hair taken from her fingernails?

They used to have a crowd come down from Dublin called the Heavy Gang who could beat a confession out of anyone.


yep, and even though its been in garda custody since then, it still, amazingly, isnt ian baileys

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Hadn’t we an expert on here who was going to sort the whole thing out. He had maps and journey times and all sorts of data. He was going to piece it together and give us a killer.

Can’t find his name now. Who was he?

That alone surely proves his innocence and that they’re covering for someone else.

The DNA evidence was useless. It was left exposed for quite sometime before Harbison arrived on the scene. While the DNA evidence was not enough to link Bailey to the scene crucially they were not able to get a DNA profile that would exonerate him either.

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@padjo ?

From listening to the podcast, you get the impression that Bailey just isn’t too popular down there, and the locals are quite happy to have him as the fall guy, even if they might be unconvinced of his guilt.

I’d say there wouldn’t have been a village in rural Ireland 25 years ago which wouldn’t have been suspicious of an eccentric English oddball. Can easily see how and why they wanted to pin it on him.

West Cork is full of eccentric English oddballs though.

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This is also correct


Yeah from memory of the West Cork podcast every second “local” they interviewed was English

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Yeah I always found that a bit of a red flag. Jacksons walked past his studio around Christmas day and noticed a bonfire. Bailey refuted this and said it happened no later than early December. There is a huge throve of circumstantial evidence but the keystone cops fucked it up. Testimony from Jules Thomas that was obtained under false pretences blew his alibi to pieces too that night. Bailey lied about his whereabouts previous night again but upon learning that guards spoke with these people he went down to garda station to correct his account. He lied at every step really and schooled his partner Jules Thomas into getting his story straight as well. While the guards fucked up and tried to stitch him up and Marie Farrell and Mikey Graham were unreliable or compromised witnesses there is actually enough other witness testimony from reliable sources that does pose some very difficult questions for Bailey.

Of course he wouldn’t be convicted due to Gardai malpractice and trying to ram the case home but there is a lot of other credible witness testimony that exposes his lies and inconsistencies. You have to bear in mind that the story of Gardai involvement is coming from Gemma O Doherty who has her own issues with Gardai and story of French hitman was floated by none other than Ian Bailey himself. If you do nothing else read the below witness accounts.


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