The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Iā€™ve both downloaded if other avenues donā€™t work. Could Dropbox them east.

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Sheridan is an annoying cunt but his show is vastly superior to the Netflix one as a television spectacle, and Iā€™d say itā€™s not a whole pile longer
Iā€™m sorry I wasted my time on the Netflix one having already seen the Sky one

Iā€™ve gone the opposite order of viewing and find Sheridanā€™s to be far too flowery in comparison to the Netflix one.



Grenade OConnor?

Thatā€™d be an interesting discussion to eavesdrop. She wouldnā€™t hold back youā€™d imagine

Is that Jimmy Page on the right?


Looks like sheā€™s on the sauce.


I see heā€™s still in the same place anyway

Just finished the Jim Sheridan doc there. About two episodes two long. Iā€™d say the Netflix version has nailed it with three episodes.

Iā€™m on the fence. Bailey comes across more as a mess than the showman I was expecting, pissed as a fart and as stoned as an Iraqi adulteress most of the time. Itā€™s an extraordinary watch given how intimate the show gets with him and Thomas given the cloud hanging over them.

I knew bits of the case previously, but not how it all tied together. Two snippets that I hadnā€™t seen get much attention jumped out at me:

(1) the reason STDP went to Cork - at Christmas - according to her parents, was to get the heating fixed, which to me seemed a little odd given they had a housekeeper in the locality anyways.

(2) the blood on the door, I guess the assumption is that the murderer left this mark opening the door. To me it suggests either (a) it was a long drawn out affair, in which case surely, even despite the incompetence of the local plod, more evidence would have been found in the vicinity of the house or (b) the murderer went back up to the house for reasons unknown

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Firstly, STDP going to Ireland for 3-4 days before Christmas ā€œto fix the heatingā€ is a ridiculous notion. As you said, she had a housekeeper who lived close by with a set of keys.

Iā€™m pretty sure that I read somewhere that she was only convinced to return to spend Christmas with her family while she was in Ireland, so she flew with the intention of staying for Christmas originally? If so, was she meeting someone in Ireland, had she planned to spend Christmas with someone else? The marriage was in difficulty and both were partial to having affairs. Thatā€™s not hearsay, itā€™s fact.

Secondly, the blood outside the door was Sophies was it not?

There was no sign of forced entry into the house. I always found that odd, given that it was supposed to have happened overnight, in the early hours of the morning, in December. Unless of course the time line is completely wrong and she was murdered in the early morning after she was already up, between 6 and 8amā€¦she wasnā€™t found until 10:30 and had recently ingested a light meal of fruit and nuts and bread was found in the process of being sliced in the kitchen. Was she up and having her breakfast in the early morning?

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Iā€™m not 100% sure that was answered in either series, this says it matched her ā€œprofileā€ whatever that means.

None of this rules in or rules out anyone.
I donā€™t believe it was some kind of contract killer for many reasons. I donā€™t believe it was some romantic liaison as there would have been some kind of forensic evidence.
The most likely thing is she saw someone outside the house peering in, and went out to investigate. Youā€™d feel safe in schull Iā€™d imagine. Everyone panicked, and it all went wrong. Whether it was IB or not, who knows šŸ¤·, though his changing his story and other circumstantial ā€œevidenceā€ would make anyone suspicious.
Still, as someone pointed out on here before, it wouldnā€™t be the first time an innocent person was convicted.
The DPP was correct. The investigation was a shambles and there is nothing to support a prosecution.


Iā€™d like to see some evidence of phone records. Good bad or indifferent. No mention of them at all.

Queen of the loopers

Fairly odd stuff from National Hunt jockey Danny Mullins on Instagram today with Ian Bailey down in Bantry

I know them two cork lads involved. Iā€™d imagine there was some sort of bet involved. Bizarre alright.

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A few random thoughts:

  • She was booked on a 6.30am flight out of Cork so one would assume sheā€™d have been planning to leave at 4.30am at the latest. That would mean the murder occurred before this time. The blue car was speeding in the area at 7.30am. I doubt the murderer hung around for a few hours and then sped away.
  • The whole thing of knowing her or not knowing of her is a red herring. I guarantee you every red blooded male in the area knew of her. An attractive young woman buys a house in the area and is frequently out and about around the town and surrounding areas? Do me a favour.
  • Was Bailey not wearing a big black coat in the Christmas Day swim video? Would have had to have dried very quickly?
  • Jules said the fire was not around the time of the murder - why would she not give him and alibi and then lie about the timing of the fire? One has to assume she has been reasonably truthful in her statements.
  • I put no stock in his ā€œadmissionsā€ of guilt given that heā€™s an attention seeker and clearly has a black sense of humour. I was at party where young men were singing football style chants about Sophie and I donā€™t think they did it.
  • I think they said in one of the documentaries that Sophie fought back - yet they only mark on Baileyā€™s face was a tiny nick on his forehead?
  • Iā€™d like to know more about the forensics - wasnā€™t there a finger print on the gate and male DNA on her boot? Neither Baileyā€™s obviously.

One would feel tremendous sympathy for her son and parents. Badly let down by AGS.


Agree with all that. Particularly the thing about whether he knew her or not. Netflix made too much of that.

Still think he probably did it.

At this stage I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Ian Bailey officially admits the murder in the not too distant future