The Ian Bailey is dead thread

From scanning that article there doesnā€™t seem to be any reference to it actually being destroyed, rather it was ā€œdiscardedā€. When pushed for details on how the gate was discarded, the guards said ask Forensic Science Ireland, and FSI said ask the guards.

Iā€™d say thereā€™s a strong chance itā€™s still out there somewhere blocking a gap.


They arenā€™t in either of the recent series.

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Interesting. They appear to be key players in the whole narrative. I canā€™t recall but were they discussed in any depth in the W Cork podcast

They knew it would prove ian was innocent.

You would have to wonder why the Gardai were telling GSOC back in 2018 that they couldnā€™t find items like the gate but are now saying it was never lost.

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You would also have to wonder why the Gardai are claiming his coat was washed and/or burnt in a fire while also saying he handled it over to them for testing but they lost it and weā€™re looking for it.

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Did you ever consider the outlandish possibility he could have had more than one coat?:thinking:

Did you own multiple black winter coats in 1995 out of interest? I doubt many did in pre Celtic tiger island


I think itā€™s probably more relevant if Mr Bailey did rather than you or me.


The probability would suggest that he didnā€™t have two black winter coats given that very few would have at the time.

Well wan was left soaking in a bucket in the bathroom.

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My point is the Gardai admitting to losing the coat while also claiming he burned it. It canā€™t be both unless he managed to steal it back and burn it?


Whether he had one or four is irrelevant. It was reported as fact the jacket wasnā€™t recovered despite this being untrue.

Is it possible to watch the Sky documentary without a Sky account if outside the UK and Ireland?

If you have an android phone download Cinema HD2 (find a reputable .apk) and Robertā€™s your fatherā€™s brother.

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Thank you @FatChops I will seek assistance and give that a go. Much appreciated.

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Servers busy at the minute but I use the site regularly for years and find it excellent. They have all the episodes on there to stream

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Fantastic thanks @LionelRitchie

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The Netflix one is short and snappy enough tbh. Iā€™d imagine thereā€™s not a whole amount more to be gleaned.

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Thereā€™s not much mystery left to it. A drunken, raving, narcissistic, sociopathic ā€˜writerā€™ and ā€˜poetā€™ lost the head and bashed a beautiful French ladyā€™s brains in when he stopped by her house uninvited in the middle of the night. A load of roaster guards who thought they were cute hoors made a hames of actual, real detective work. Fin.