The Ian Bailey is dead thread

Ah it was now

Not by a whole pile.

I never heard the Guards say anything about the fire. People reported seeing a fire is his back yard on Stephenses night. When it was put to him he said he was burning an old mattress. It’s rare enough that there’s no hint left of what was being burned in a fire like that. Unless you use plenty of petrol in which case you must be anxious enough not to leave any trace.

Wouldn’t there be a bunch of springs left behind?

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Theres enough oddballs on here i wouldnt be surprised but that was my thoughts all along.

I guess but even if he were burning a mattress it wouldn’t have stopped him throwing a coat and jeans on top. A strange night to go burning stuff. Between the turkey, the mattress, christmas tree, the lack of an alibi, the nearly missed deadline, the arrival at the scene with a lot of info… he had a lot of explaining to do. Maybe it was all a coincidence but it’s hard to argue against him being a person of interest.



There isn’t a shred of evidence only a load of Hersey.

Also there’s no evidence Bailey had unique insight in the case. The Sunday world had most of the early scoops because they got info off Sophie’s house keeper.

Bailey was a decent journalist back in England I think. He’d a few articles in the times. So it wouldn’t be shocking if he did have decent info fairly quickly.

The main point of it.
From the absolute word go they made a balls of it. So much so I’d be surprised if there was a conspiracy to protect someone. That would mean before they even got to the scene first day they knew they had to protect someone.

Was it donkey years later the gate went missing? I thought it was held in storage and got ‘mislaid’ when being moved from one storage facility to another with a ball of other stuff from guarda investigations.

I’d say the gate is filling a gap in some field up the country and who ever took it might not even know the importance of it.

Would you have choked a few chickens over the years too?

One of the lead cops from the time, a Kerry man, is friends with mrs O’Sullivan…think he was prominent in the Netflix doc… or could have been the other doc.

Anyway, i know who killed her.


Has the Covid vaccine yet been mentioned as a possible suspect for Mrs. Du Plantier’s murder?

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I never did like hersey.


Where exactly is Hunt’s Hill, this supposed “look out” point where Bailey apparently stopped within view of Sophie Toscan Du Plantier’s house while he and Jules were driving back from the pub the night of the 22nd into the 23rd?

I can’t find any spot which seems to fit the bill.

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I often wondered the same myself. You’d like to be able to visualise it.

Below is a possible route taken on that night. Hunts Hill could just be a hill belonging to a farmer rather than an actual proper landmark. But if I were to wager I would say it would be at the 2 black dots on both extracts. The first one is leaving from Schull and going back to prairie cottage via Toormore with STDP house added for context. The second map is an ordnance survey extract of Mizen where you can definitely see topography change and approaching higher ground at the bend of the road and where you’d have a good vantage point of her house in Dunmanus in the valley below whilst also being able to look across the bay. A scenic place for a whizz after a feed of drink.


There’s a place called the Cross of Hope which is featured on Google Maps. I think you’d overlook the Du Plantier house from there but it doesn’t seem to be near a road, you’d probably have to climb up 200 metres or so to reach it. Even for Bailey that seems implausible on a night in darkest winter, even with a full moon as there apparently was that night. This is the view from it.

Nowhere on a road seems to fit the bill properly. Definitely nowhere on the most sensible route from Schull to Jules’s house makes sense as a “look out”. The only place I can see on a nearby road that might even have a view of the house is here:

Which is at 0 here. Over 4km as the crow flies is a long way to “spot” a house in the distance.

We need to know exactly what route they took home from the pub in Schull back to the house.

Another thing that doesn’t make sense to me is Marie Farrell’s supposed sighting of a man at Kealfadda Bridge. If Bailey and Jules went back to Jules’s house after the pub (I presume she was driving, does that mean she was sober, has that been answered even?), and Bailey is surmised to have left the house at some point during the night to go to Sophie’s house, it would make no sense for him to be at Kealfadda bridge, as Kealfadda bridge would be a big diversion on the route between Jules’s house and the Du Plantier house.

This is the map here:

This location would make more sense as regards a direct route from Schull back to Jules’s house. But from looking at the Google street view of the location it does not look like a great view of the Du Plantier house. I’m not even sure can you see it, possibly just about.