New article up there for discussion
Agree with all of that. Anywhere there?s a bit of hype you?ll see the likes of ball ox singing ?ol?, ol?, ol??. Most Irish people need Sky or some British outlet to tell them something is amazing or important then they will flock in their droves to follow it. I?ve said it before in relation to music and bands too. I think there?s a lot of very good bands around Ireland who get little or no recognition here bar their small loyal following. Then suddenly one of them will become massive on the back of UK airplay because everyone will go ?fook, they must be great, they?re in the UK top ten? and toddle off and buy the album. Snow Patrol being the prime example. Make up your own minds fookers.
Well written btw, I?m sure it?ll spur the bhoy into penning something!
Exalt, fine article.
I reckon the GAA is the single biggest reason for Ireland’s under achievement in international sport, particularly ball sports like Association Football and rugby. To be an elite sports person one must partake in one’s chosen field from an early age (usually - but there are exceptions!) and if the majority of the kids in Ireland are hurling or kicking gaelic football in school then they are at an immediate disadvantage.
There are dozens of gaelic footballers who have the makings of terrific rugby or soccer players yet we’ll never know because its too late for them. I’m sure the same applies to hurling but again it’ll never be known.
To say National Hunt horse racing is an international sport is a bit of a misnomer as it is pretty much isolated to GB and Ireland. That said the flat game is worldwide and in Kinnane, Fallon, Ox (John not Ball), O’Brien x2 and Bolger Ireland has produced some of the best horsemen the world has ever known.
Anyway - methinks the Irish mindset is a severe handicap to achieving anything at an elite level. The “ah sure it’ll be alright - I won’t bother me hole - I’ll just have a few pints with the lads” attitude that generally prevails. Makes for a comfortable life but dramatically reduces the pool of athletic talent in the country!