IT Professionals, Guilty

And the same cunt was lecturing us a while ago about the dangers of microwaving food.



Take a bow mate…

PS: She is in some nick for a 39 year old

To me that smacks of laziness and a lack of ambition. Sitting there for 13 years changing poxy passwords or telling someone to restart their computer. Fuck sake 98% of people that go into those types of jobs move onwards and upwards after a year or 2.

Jez Taz… it might have been a bit more sensitive if you had PM’d @The_Runt directly.

Fucker, look what you made me do.

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I don’t know how to break this to you but you seem to be operating at the same level as Horsebox, only slower.



Ah fuck.

You’ll get a shit load of head shots for this.

Unfortunately I’m pretty sure no one else opens this thread


:clap: Great minds…

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This wannacry ransomware attack is pretty huge. Seems to have tapered off now after a very basic oversight by the creators was exposed.

Given the scale of the attack and the amount of machines infected I think it’s unlikely many will get their machines unlocked. Will be lots of admins praying they have good backups.

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Be careful what you claim. Sophos were running this on their website until over the weekend. :grinning:

I’d say that’s doing the rounds with your fellow IT colleagues and it is cracking ye all up. Hardehar.



deary me

This was bound to happen eventually. Lazy IT teams running super old OS systems and being as slow as possible installing important updates. Spectacular kick up the hole. Magnificent.

I got something similar in a spec today


“Do you mind the smell of curry when you are tucking into your morning weetabix”
“Can you handle being lied to day upon day about the progress of a task?”
“How do you feel about prolonged periods of awkward silence whilst chairing a conference call?”

What are the IT professionals thoughts on the massive systems failure experienced by BA this weekend? A simple power failure or something more sinister? Back up power supply is a basic requirement. I find it hard to believe that there wasn’t a system back up.

Some IT fella forgot to put 50p in the meter.

Haven’t read much about it, but it would be a major fuck up if something as simple as a power failure was able to bring down critical infrastructure. I’ve heard a lot of the Air traffic control hardware and software is many years out of date, but in most cases it will cost them too much to upgrade it.

Wasn’t this BT debacle based in India. Tata Consulting or something? Hilarious as long as you’re not impacted in any way.
Good way to absolutely destroy thousands of holidays. LowCostHolidays-esque.

When I heard it first I assumed it was more WannaCry Ransomeware. I’m assuming all fee paying members of the IT Guild are being absolutely crucified about patching in the last 2 weeks.