The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Joe defended the man who tried to take out Coveney in Belfast I see.

One for the things that never happened thread

Joe is some man to embellish (or make up) a story

In the chat with O’Se He was about to say he just walked over to the sideline when row started but quickly changed his mind and went with the grappling with his marker tale …some man Joe

Joe believes that everyone deserves a fair defence and the chance to put their evidence. Something the cunts that shafted him in RTE dont believe in


Poor Art obviously doesn’t remember the time he pierced half the windows in Dublin with shrieking over Brolly’s comments about Tom Humphries’ sentence.

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Joe has been representing loyalists for years. Dunno how this is a surprise to anyone. The law doesn’t care what your post code or religion is. Like the time people were shocked Big Jim was representing big Jarry that time.
It’s no different to a solicitor you are friends with doing a legal aid nixer for a scrote with 40 convictions.
You can compartmentalise that sort of thing quite easily as a lawyer


It helps that most are cunts


“A face like a mother superior in the middle of a heavy period”.
I think that was the stand out line for me.

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Was Joanne the judge ?

Outstanding it was!

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Great listen.

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My president

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“Despite this, the local politician added that an invitation, contained in the council’s letter to Brolly, to visit Clones and get a tour of the town remains open.”

Jaysus. Said without ironing i suppose

Clones and Kolkata are a great comparison. Kolkata has Eden Gardens while Clones has the Garden Of Eden of Gaelic football, complete with serpents - usually corner backs.


I love and hate Joe. Easily the most entertaining commentator on gaa but talks some amount of hypocritical agenda driven shite. He goes to town on Armagh in the indo podcast this week just cos mcgeeney made a mean comment to him 30 years ago in the pub.
He’s constantly laughing and joking about full on assaults that took place on and off the ball in his own playing days yet is absolutely horrified by armaghs current carry on.
I also don’t think I have ever in my life seen anyone take being let go from a job so publically badly as Joe has. It’s absolutely unbelievable. He completely and utterly lambastes the RTE coverage every single chance he gets when it is more or less the exact same it’s always been except just not with him in it :smile: I miss him on it but he really needs to get over it.


Met Joe and the lovely Laurita on the Luas the other day before the Derry game.

Because of Pride, the Luas stopped at Stephens Green and we all had to walk from there to Croker. Joe walked the same route as my group (containing 4 Bellaghy girls) and we had a good laugh with him as we kept bumping into each other weaving through the crowds of the LGBT Community.

Joe eventually veered off to some kip of a pub near Connolly Station and we wished him well.

A nice man.