The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

In fairness rte sports has gone to the dogs since McBennett’s been at the wheel, not comparable at all in either its GAA or soccer coverage


How was it going before? Happy with Ryle?

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Met ? :joy:

Poor ol Joe, had to dive into a shithouse to get away from him.

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Brilliant compared to the now

People just disliked Ryle because he was a rugby fan


Was it Ryle had the 3pm kick offs from the Premier League on Saturdays? That was some coup. Highlights were lost in 2013 which was a pity.

What was brilliant about Ryles tenure?

That and losing a hape of sport

Our future president Brolly and RIP Dunphy were centre of the ring

Is that it?

Ryle was on OTB’s Sunday Review panel once or twice and was usually a rock of sense.

Dunphy and Brolly both speak highly of him which is good enough for me.


I don’t think the wattage is high here

It’s 90pc because of the loss of dunphy and brolly rather than any ‘direction’ mcbennett has taken it. They were complete one offs who drove controversy and rows all the time. Apart from that there’s little or no difference in the standard or type of gaa pundits. In soccer tbf the stature of the pundits has fallen off a cliff without Brady and Giles but the two lads would have been bland enough without Eamo.


Hook, Brolly, Loughnane, Dunphy all gone. Replaced by bland lads dressed like a roaster at Punchestown firing out stats on possessions and xG instead of generating controversy.


Brolly and dunphy used to drive me ballistic with the utter hypocritical contradictory hyperbolic spiteful horseshit they used to spew but ya don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone. Stephen Kelly and the well spoken heavy set coachy one don’t really produce must see TV.

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Stupid statement. Do you think a head of marketing in a company gets to choose his own budget?

Don’t forget Kevin McStay as he muses how 52% of Dublin’s kick outs went to (shades quarter pitch) where they won 82% of them blah blah……Even Sleepy Des is on the verge of nodding off but feigns interest.
Normal folk either reach for the remote or the whiskey…:tumbler_glass:


I reckon he could have done better with the budget allocated

You’d miss the nights when Dunphy would go off on a mad one
“Rod Liddle he’s the guy who left his wife for a young one”

Dictionary Derek be unlikely to come out such spake.