The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Luckily enough there’s a tweet thread involving Joe Brolly and TFK stalwarts where he clarifies any way you may have misinterpreted it and clearly states that he’s referencing the ostracisation.

That’s a very weak response from Joe to the well reasoned posts of Mr. Totti and Brian, whoever they are.

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Nope. Your defense of the club on here has come from a couple of internet posters elsewhere saying that some in the club supported him and were mild in their rejection of his action, therefore it was unfair for Brolly to call out the club wholesale.

Yet here you are picking up quotes where he identifies a few people he might have played with who he thinks passed details to dissidents. You are taking that as identifying the club. That is simply a leap from you as you are desperate to put the two things here together to defend the club. Nobody ever suggested the club board got together and decided to bomb this guy, not once.

You are conflating a couple of issues here to try and let the club off the hook. There are two things - him being ostracised from his club for years and then the attack.

What Brolly is criticising in the club is the the treatment he received when he initially announced his decision. The fact is this man felt he had to leave his club. Why would a young man who grew up playing for this club and clearly loves it, decide to walk out? It is a clear fact that he was targeted by elements of the club and that the club failed to protect him. I love how you have decided to now finally use the “facts not feelings” point when you’ve been dribbling on this site for over a year now screaming and branding names when facts aren’t on your side, by the way.

The criticism of the club comes down to an attitude and culture issue within that community. As has been pointed out time and time again, the principle of shared policing had been set down years before. The reforms had been annouced and many were in train. Many conditions like Rule 21 being struck from the GGA rulebook had been completed.

The defense that club members might have been understood to not support him because all the reforms hadn’t gone through doesn’t wash. Antrim GGA voted against one of Patton’s recommendations for a shared police force. This reflects a culture issue within nationalism, people here want to claim that it was just looking back at the old RUC days and being wary but that is utter tosh. The principles of a share police were established and the reforms were being worked towards, this was not the height of the Troubles. What makes this club’s actions look even worse is that in 2010 there was no condemnation from the club for what happened. After Ronan Kerr was shot, elements in Tyrone GGA came out and said this was wrong, nothing happened here. That the club decides 7 years later to come out and issue a statement is telling, they know they screwed up back then.

When Brolly brings in the DUP, he is talking about the problem of both sides not being true to the agreement. The DUP, like mainstream nationalism, aren’t committing violence but you cannot defend the likes of the DUP from being accused of backwards attitudes and not living up to the spirit of the agreement. It’s institutions and groupings like the political parties, the Orange Order and the GGA who are responsible here. The GGA as a whole have done a decent job of walking back from their backward policies, but the idea that certain clubs are immune from criticism for their behaviour is laughable. Any club or county that voted against the repeal of Rule 21 in 2001 was backwards looking, simple as.

The second issue is the attack. He doesn’t tie the club to this at all, you keep bringing up this as a fact when it is simply a lie. He talks about certain members and his suspicions, but that’s it. Are you going to tell me no GGA member has never been in the Real IRA or something? The fact is that one morning this guy was going to work and a bomb went off, based on his religion and community where he was from. That info was gleaned from somewhere, that was from within his community.


I have a life ye fucking wasters.

Yes. He needs to be insured. Of course he fucking does. He was being paid for training individuals in a team. And he also was giving out gym programs, occassionally.

Now as for avoiding questions. @Nembo_Kid has avoided endless questions for years. Most recently on Roma when he got completely bamboozled and outed himself as having no courage or moral fibre.

@Nembo_Kid and @Sidney clearly support the shunning of a GAA club member and exposing him to a paramilitary orgaisation, most likely with a cross over of members. This led to the bombing of said man, and many seem to think “he had it coming”

They are disgusting individuals who have now defended or supported child abuser(and sympathizers)paedos, murderers and quite a few other weak and poisoned individuals with their twosted hate and logic.

I feel sorry for ye.


This thread, for fuck sakes lads


Who requires him to be insured?

The GAA.
cork GAA in this case.

Ah Kev :see_no_evil:

Get real. This is what happened.

This is what Hoe is also saying and it is certainly what Herron is indicating

So GAA clubs or counties can’t hire any trainers without a S&C qualification?

I’m pretty sure that’s a lie.

  1. No evidence whatsoever that the club “exposed” him to anything. A club has responsibilities I agree, but no club in Ireland would have had the ability to keep RIRA lads from intruding into training if they so wished.

  2. The fact Herron continued to collect Lotto Tickets, attend Club Dinner Dances and use the Club’s Facilities up to 2009 just months before his attack would place a question mark over the extent of the isolation. The shit that went on to at training while he was still playing was wrong, not disputing that.

  3. Most likely a cross over of members between RIRA and Club? Completely unfounded stuff there Kev. I know from my own work that RIRA membership circa 2002 when he joined PSNI was very small numbers. There were members in the greater area, no evidence of members in the team or club. A very strong Provisional IRA area though, but they’re not up for discussion here.

  4. Not one single person has intimated or even insinuated he “had it coming”.


More twisting.

S&C Coaches and Physios need to be quakified.

However EVERYBODY on a GAA pitch needs to be insured. Now the majority do by being a club member.

Anyone else needs their own insurance to cover them outside their own property of business. Now to get Insurance as an S&C Coach you need to show qualifications.

Same as a physio.

While i am sure people do not always follow this. It is illegal to call yourself s&C without insurance.

I know now S&C educators have pushed insuŕance companies to not accept anything less than a 2 year s&c qual be it a Masters or High cert.

I know DM called himself S&C, he was named on programmes as such and on hos website. And he is not.

Notwithstanding the mindless training he did. Legally he was on shaky ground.

People have got away with it to date, but someone soon is going to sue clubs or coaches. I know one club paid off one player last year. And that was with a qualified coach

So some of these cowboy coaches will have to be careful

How interesting now that you now think it’s fair to vilify a whole club based on evidence-free allegations that “certain guys I (Peadar Heffron) played with” were involved in the bombing.

Given that you so furiously defended Donald Trump supporters when I correctly stated that they engaged in racism and anti-semitism, on the basis that not all of them did, therefore one should not be allowed say “Trump supporters engage in racism and anti-semitism”.

It does identify the club. The “certain guys I played with” are or were club members. It associates the club with these allegations. The whole article is written through the framework of identifying the club both with the bombing (check the headline, check the quotes I put up) and a contested story that Peadar Heffron was hounded out of the club.

I’m defending the club because they deserve to be defended in the face of an unfair vilification campaign.

This is strongly contested. Are you contesting that opinion in the club was clearly mixed?

Brolly has now conceded that it was an entirely legitimate opinion to not support somebody from the CNR community joining the PSNI two months after the RUC was disbanded. So that’s that one nailed on the head.

People “feel they have to leave clubs” all the time. That was Peadar Heffron’s decision.

In what way were the club supposed to “protect him”? Are they supposed to be able to change the minds of individuals who are members of a community?

“Targetted”? Targetted in what way? Targetted violently? Is this your own allegation or are you just repeating the allegation that was contained in the article?

Facts tend to be on my side, because that’s what I base opinions on.

What community? The Creggan community? I think you’ll find that pretty much every single part of the CNR community in the six counties would have had a very similar mix of opinion to what was in the Creggan community in 2002.

And as Joe Brolly concedes, dissenting opinion as regards the PSNI was entirely legitimate.

Many in the CNR community believed that the reforms of policing were a fig leaf and had not gone far enough. An entirely understandable opinion, given the history of the northern statelet. Quite obviously, any new police force would take years to build trust with the CNR community.

Chris Patten specifically said he wasn’t disbanding the RUC. “We are transforming the RUC not disbanding it.”

With words like that, is it any wonder people in the CNR community were suspicious of the new police force?

Sinn Fein didn’t vote to accept the PSNI until 2007.

Yet you and others here claim that anybody in the CNR community who didn’t support somebody from that community joining the PSNI was out of step.

Given that the largest CNR party at the time did not vote to accept the PSNI for another five years, that’s quite obviously nonsense.

That Antrim GAA, and five of the six counties voted against the dropping of Rule 21 is a good idea of where opinion lay. You don’t have to agree with opinion, just to accept it was a legitimate one.

You and Joe Brolly say Peadar Heffron was no longer a club member. Since when is it required of a club to issue a statement about a terrorist attack that involves a non-member of a club?

Ronan Kerr was a then current player for Beragh. Did Ronan Kerr’s own community or elements within the Beragh club set him up? I’m not making that allegation, just following the logic of those who claim that that’s what happened to Peadar Heffron.

The GAA, as a 32 county organisation, moved on Rule 21 in 2001. That was accepted by Ulster GAA if if most of it didn’t vote for it. The GAA in the North is made up of ordinary members of the CNR community. The majority of the CNR community regarded the PSNI with deep suspicion when they were formed. Again, that was a legitimate opinion. You seem to have a serious problem comprehending that it takes time for the attitudes of the ordinary people on the ground to change and for trust to be built up with the new police force - the PSNI had to earn that trust given what went before, and that’s a long drawn out process. The GAA have reached out to the DUP and the Unionist community in general. Peter Robinson and a few others have reciprocated, to their credit. Much of the Unionist community and the majority of the DUP, has not.

That you’re comparing the GAA and the Orange Order shows a very basic lack of knowledge about the North of Ireland.

Can I ask you what you would like the GAA to do to “live up to the spirit of the Agreement”? And how have they have not?

“Simple as”, “end of” etc. Deary me.

You clearly haven’t read the articles. They unjustly vilify an entire club and community and allege club members’ involvement in attempted murder.



Sid, you need an intervention.

It doesn’t matter if you win a percieved argume t on a website


It’s not twisting at all.

I have asked who requires David Matthews to be insured and you still have failed to give a proper answer.

You consistently talk about a need for insurance but you seem to be a bit confused, insurance companies are not regulatory bodies - they are insurance companies.

Yawn. Don’t participate in a debate about a topic where your’e completely out of your depth, please.

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Its illegal not to be insured for any number of tasks or professions.

I answered everything very clearly. You know nothing about the industry.

What do reglatory bodies fo? Fuck all. Absolutely fuck all only take a sub yearly

You are unwell fella

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No, I’m not a client of yours after a session you’ve given.

So you keep saying but there is nothing to support that.

S&C is an unregulated field. I posted an excerpt of an article above which confirmed that. You seem to think insurance companies are regulators, they are not. They’re insurance companies and they are not mandatory for unregulated businesses.