The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Exactly. And they are necessary for S&C coaches.

That excert is a private individuals opinion from a few years ago.

The rastoolers are now defending the right of the northern nationialists to blow up a man in his car as he drives to work.
One of them @Sidney defended convicted paedophile Tom Humphrey and campaigned hard for his right to a reduced prison sentence, and he defended the Muslim Brotherhood who are primeval savages who segregate women and want to kill gay’s Christians and Jews.
It’s fascinating to watch.


Its absolutely unbelievable.

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You’re not getting it. They are not necessary. S&C is an unregulated field.

A self-confessed serial rapist blatantly making things up about another poster as a result of his own inability to debate.

That’s something you can’t make up.

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What? You want to rape Jews? Fuck sake that’s disgusting

Not at all. You fantasize about rape, about someone you don’t know raping his wife who you don’t know either. And you followed someone you didn’t know to Australia with the intent of eating her menstrual bleed. You admitted that here.
And you crusade for the worst type of fucker in humanity.
It’s really fascinating to watch.


They are.

I’m the s&C coach who has worked at all levels.

You are a taxi base operator.

Lets leave it at that

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All levels?

They’re not.

S&C educators?

He suspects that guys he played with did something. That is not the club. He didn’t mention the club. Please back that up subsantively.

Criticisim of the club for their actions towards him then and their actions in 2010, yes I can criticise, as objectively speaking there was clearly an issue there.

Your anology to the anti semitism with Trump thing is hilarious and completely all over the place. You were schooled on that one and are still hurting I note. Another example where your poor comprehension skills and susceptibility to jumping the gun on some hot take you read on Twitter gets you in a bind.

That doesn’t identify the club. Again, he believes some of the people may have been involved in the club in passing details on. Again, that’s not the club, that is individuals. It was clearly people in his community that sold him out.

This is strongly contested by members of the club that are now desperately trying to defend their reputation. Why on earth would someone who grew up playing for that club make all that stuff up?

Why didn’t the club have a fundraiser after the attack?
Why did it take 7 years for them to condemn the attack when other parts of the GGA like in Tyrone could condemn the attack on Ronan Kerr.

You do not have to support it, but you do not have to behave like it was still 1975.

These are the facts. In 1998, the principle of shared policing was announced. In 1999, the Patton Report was published. The British government enacted many of the recommendations by 2000. In 2001, one of the recommendations of the Patton Report that the GGA abolished Rule 21, was executed. Many of the Patton Reports recommendations were well down the track, including 50/50 policing. The SDLP fully supported policing by 2001.

There was then a campaign against this guy in the club. The club waited seven years to condemn the attack. The guy has said he thinks that some members of the club might have been involved, but he also mentioned those who came to sympathise with his parents. The larger point is that of the club. If the club wanted to, they could have made things right long before now.

To this day, Catholics are wary of joining the PSNI. There is a cultural issue within Nationalism, this club are right to be condemned for their behaviour.

The GGA has rules and regulations, which they have enforced over the years no problem.

There was no rule against members of the police or armed forces playing GGA by 2002. Handing out fliers and him being boycotted by teammaters was not on. The idea that the club couldn’t do anything is laughable. They didn’t want to, that reflects on them.

Mix of opinion is one thing, treating someone like it was 1975 is not.

And many in Sinn Fein were not prepared to support policing because the Army Council were not ready to.

SF used policing ultimately as a way for them to get power, as everything took years to bring each one on. Slab Murphy wouldn’t get on board until Britain’s CAB backed off.

But today this attitude persists. Catholics are not joining the police at the rate they should. There is still an attitude that persists that joining the police is selling out to the British state. There is still a militant attitude and fear among Catholics to join, because of attitudes in their own community.

By 2001, the largest Nationalist party in NI supported the policing reforms.

“Suspicions” of this police force was as much to do with hardline Provos putting pressure on the community as anything else. What SF signed up for in 2007 was not substantially different to 2002, they waited until it was the opportune time and some more hardliners were brought along.

Antrim GGA failing to support abolishing of Rule 21 goes to show that the excuses in here that it was okay not to support until all reforms went through are nonsense. This was one of the specific recommendations of the Patton Report. You can’t on the one hand moan about some reforms not happening and then not follow through yourselves. Again, this is like belittling the DUP for their current attitude to the Irish language. You either support what you signed up for or not, you don’t have to be happy about it. But you don’t have to go back decades with your attitudes towards it.

Since when does a community organisation not support one of its own who has something terrible to them? This is just avoidance on your part, you know well that it is an awful look for them.

It was mostly likely someone in his community, yes. They don’t just open the phone book and find Roman Catholic PSNI member beside it.

The main nationalist party supported policing.

I already said the GGA as an organisation have followed through on the spirit of the 1998 agreement.

The comparison to the Orange Order was as a cultural institution.

At least now you’ve switched from the “club” to “club members”, you’re catching on a bit to this.

I posted the original article in here pal, the Rastoolers like yourself wanted to avoid it.

The club are justifiably being pilloried. Just like the DUP and backward fucks like Gregory Campbell, they deserve flak. Again, Joe Brolly is an actual Northerner who has represented Republicans at trial. He is a GGA man. He can see the issue here, but we’re supposed to believe the likes of yourself know better. Joe Brolly is putting a mirror up to a section of the nationalist community there and asking them to be better, you’re making excuses for them.


Jesus wept,

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Some lads take the INTERNET way too seriously.

Book of Kells type responses to a fairly mundane disagreement.


Oh right, I thought we were all just making stuff up, my apologies, carry on sir

  1. Loads of evidence the club exposed him.
    By isolating and ignoring they cometely exposed him. By not supporting him they told lical 'Ra men he had no support in the community.
    And yes, people would be able to stop the Ra entering a litch. And if they did so forcefully well then they’d be at worst a revolt against that and you would hope arrests, although silence seems likely too. Its about time ordinary peaceful catholics stood up now at this stage to scumbags who are largely just drug dealers and thugs.

  2. The shit at training was unbelievably bad. School yard childish weak carry on and encouraged by the teachers. Collecting lotto means nothing. He was doing that off his own back. You can imagine the “poor crater” comments. He was waiting and hoping for change. Total red herring and the fact its even used shows a weakness of the defence of all this.

  3. Members of the community though. If very small numbers and the Provos were strong why was this allowed happen. You know well there are “ok’s” and “not ok’s”.
    We would have to see names and family trees as outsiders to have a real idea. But the silence tells me alot.

  4. They certainly have. Read otherstuff online and even back along here. There is a some obvious stuff and some clearl undercurrent of it.

I have taken a keen interest in this as the reaction by some has shocked me. I have asked clients or friends from various educated backgrounds to get their opinion based on what we have been presented with publically. Legally and morally where does responsibility lie. I will return with opinions. I know 1 Sociology Phd is willing to out her name to it. I’ll be back and keep an eye out on Social Media too

I have some insight into something similar in Cork from a well publicised murder last year.

The one good thing about this is it has exposed social media presence of some of the clowns on here. We’ll see do they have the balls for public debate

It’s perfectly understandable people in his local community did not support him. You clearly haven’t the slightest notion about what the RUC did to nationalist communities or how they were viewed at that point in time. Absolutely none.

Are you heading into work today mate?

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I don’t think so, m8. My illness has not improved.

Mind yourself mate. Ironic that a Home Economics teacher who’s off in a camper van for half the year is sneering at you for taking two sick days.