The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

A 150 acre farm of grassland sequesters nearly 400tons of carbon per year. If they try a carbon tax weā€™ll actually make a fortune on carbon credits. The townie morons on the citizens assembly are probably unaware of this. Roll on the carbon tax.


Easy from the cheap seats mate.

Roll on clean meat

Will clean meat mean we no longer have to be Vegans every so often?

What reaction ? I havenā€™t read half the posts hereā€¦ but everyone condoned the violent act I presume? Everyone has acknowledged that he suffered disdain from members of the club/community, some have argued it was justified as Brolly himself agreed with, others have said it was unjustified but seem to be doing it from their point of view and time and place and not taking NI history into context at allā€¦ Is that it? It seems you are the only one saying the club were involved in the bombing and most others are simply disagreeingā€¦ Have I missed anything?

You are obviously emotive on this subject, but at least now you are debating in some fashion. So thats progress.

I do. It does not mean i cannot question the motuves or disagree with the actions based on past issues. Has it ever entered your head that the RUC were scared shitless too and did not trust the Nationalists?

Thats policing fella. The world over. Happens down here. People from different economic backgrounds get treated differently. Its the way. Its not right. But in this case there are comours to define it. Police do not like to admit mistakes.

No. Never said that. They should have taken a broader look at it and realised some day they had to move forward. Having a club mate there should actually have helped their community

Details on this?

have you evidence of this?

Smart people xan be cruel too. Thats part of my point overall.

I am a long way from an idiot.
But i can be a prick.

But generally i like to dig into things to get real fucking answers. No interest in lip service or cover ups.

I said members could have been involved. You cannot say either way they have or have not.

My main point is they let him out to dry and should have dealt with it completely differently.


Everything seems impossible till its done.


No one knows for sure I guess, not even Heffronā€¦

Well the bombers do


I didnt realise, but Joe has actually just rehashed and put a bit more spin on an original story he wrote nearly 8 years ago.

Whats interesting is the connection to doing good to his relations.
It was about fairness and discriminatiom.

He was doing the right thing and a whole community couldnā€™t handle it.

FAO of @caoimhaoin:

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Tells me.

Cops hide things and are slow to react. Nothing new. This may or may not be because of aectarian reasons. But cops being fucking useless and making drastic mistakes is an All-Ireland pastime.

People know who did it. And there is a clear line of investigation. There is a silence and fear, not so much a mistrust of police(although i accept that part) , but a fear of the RIRA.

I know what iā€™d be doing if i was part of that community.

Oh right - the silence within the police ranks can be written off - but the silence within the community is the evil at play hereā€¦ fuck off out of it will yaā€¦ It just shows how the whole of that society was/is fuckedā€¦ but youā€™re hell bent on nailing the nationalist community here.

I wonder how many high ranking cops in that unit were from the old regime ? I doubt too many Catholics had climbed that high by then.


Iā€™m not writing either off.

As a police force they were accountable to someone, and he said there is a case to answer.

Who is pushing it?
Where is Adams and Mary lou on this? Asking as i do not know.

But i would say as an Island there has to be a real societal move from silence to transparience.

That along in next coue of feneratioms would make it a powerful country when it does enevitably becomes a 32 county island.

And how do ou expect Catholi s to rise when people allow the RIRA intimidate them not to join.

More join more rise. Its a numbers game.

Like Blacks in Sa or USA and various other growing ā€œminoritiesā€

I think the next generation are a bit better at speaking outā€¦ Most young people donā€™t have time for bullshit and call it as it is. The old ways are hard lost tho.