The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Thanks mate, I’d love to be at work but unfortunately I’ve been struck down with this. I’m feeling very achy and stuffy and I’m way off the top of my game as a result.

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Ah bless!
Will you do a bit of pretend farming yourself today on the ranch in Raheen?

Its understandable because people sre weak and sheepish.

But its not right. End of story.

He is simply another victim in what is now a ridiculous conflict. Yes it had its merit and it was a struggle for good at one point. But thats ling gone.

And considering the whole thing is set up gor eventual 32 county Ireland the weakness with these dissidents is ridiculous. Wipe the cunts out or expose them for what they are now.

Time for Nationalists to take a new stand. Ball is in their court demographically speaking.

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It’s understandable because of legacy issues of the RUC and the fact that there was nothing that could instill any confidence in the PSNI for nationalists at that time. The PSNI were actively involved in coverups and obstruction of justice for many nationalist families who had suffered at that time.

Your ignorance is off the scale. You don’t seem to have any sort of insight or appreciation as to how security forces were viewed by nationalists in the north at that time, none. Perfectly understandable for any nationalist that was going to work for Ronnie Flanagan would meet the backlash of his community.

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You should log off TFK for the day and focus on getting better mate.


Despite the fact that some of you don’t support me and wish my ailment to make me weaker, those who do support me can help me through this and recover.


No smart people would have seen it as the way forward.
Tgere was a political agreement reached some years previous. Of course other powerful people like Adams failed Herron as well.

I am totally aware of the feeling towards the RUC. But keep that for the RUC. Blow up somebody that caused deliberate pain on the Nationalist community if you have to hurt someone. * not that i agree with that.

Get well soon mate,

Does he have the money for the councillors?
That would take half a psychiatric hospital

You’re seething because I’m a wealthy landowner. Strange.

In the wesht?


How did Adams fail him?

In a miserable suburb of Limerick city actually mate, fucker causes chaos on his Massey with the traffic at the crescent

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Utter horseshit and with every post you make you convey an even bigger ignorance of the situation there at the time. You have no clue about the North of Ireland. SF who brokered the ceasefire and end to violence from the Provisional side took 5 years to support the PSNI because they showed they were utterly intransigent to change and reform, many nationalists took longer, many nationalists still don’t and never will and it’s entirely understandable - there are still cases where the PSNI are obstructing justice for nationalist families.

You think bright people would have supported the PSNI? How about the way the PSNI failed Heffron himself? How about the way they never informed him of an imminent attack despite warning all other officers? Is this the sort of action smart people would have supported?

You idiotic prick.

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Very few swamps in the west mate, good farmland.

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To hell or to Connaught mate

It was basically an open prison

Farming is dead too

So just change the name and the badge and hey presto, it a new beginning? Oh right…

We’ll get paid either way, it’s all the same to us.


No you won’t. You will be paying a carbon tax soon enough

You’re welcome. I wish only good things for you.

What the fuck are you blabbering on about?