The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

A great day for the GAA on this thread.

Even @caoimhaoin moved on somewhat from his shrieking and idiotic contributions of the last few days.

Rational posts outlining the CNR community’s valid reasons for being wary of providing support to the PSNI in 2002 were met with “you wanted to put this man in a wheelchair” type gibberish.

Sure it would have been more straightforward to actually read the posts in full and acknowledge that nobody was supportive of the despicable attack.

But he said he was going to discuss it with people offline and I thank them for explaining to him the difference between the Real IRA and the Provisional IRA and the Real IRA and the GAA.

I would welcome an apology but I don’t need one.


I suggest posters order some Creggan Kickhams polo shirts and training gear online for Christmas as a material show of support in the wake of Joe Brolly Dudley Edwards’ nasty campaign against them over the past two weeks.


You are the idiot here.
A pretend republican with nothing only a few trips to Glasgow as a connection to belfast
…oh hold on, thats a different country.

If all you have is i used IRA i stead of RIRA then you have reached rock bottom.

You support murder. Thats the bottom line.

While i’m neither confirming or denying if @Bandage is a rastooler or an active member of the pretend IRA, not all nationalists should be labelled as such. You threw out the Rebel songs and pretend this and that a few times during the last few days… Ive no time for the japery associated with the type of character you are attacking with those comments - But you can be a nationalist and progressive also.

I’d say we’re all republicans at heart mate, but the so called rastoolers let themselves down by making light of some dreadful atrocities and showing no awareness that there was two sides, I’d understand it from true nordies but it isn’t what we’re dealing with except in one case.

The free state royalists also need to be aware that there was two sides, mate.


There’s a wonderful line in Hunger that encapsulates those who sneer and judge the Northern conflict without any real understanding of it.

BS: You want me to argue about the morality of what I’m about to do and whether it’s suicide or not? For one you’re calling it suicide, I’m calling it murder. That’s another wee difference between us two. We’re both catholic men, both republicans. But while you were poaching salmon in lovely Kilrea we were being burnt out of our house in STH. Similar men in many ways, Don, but life and experience have focused our beliefs differently, you understand me?


There was a conflict and the main parties are those who festered that conflict. The British Government and the Free State Government stood idly by and let an Orange State run amok. A man can only be pushed so far before he strikes back.


Not a bother mate, you’ve lived through some of it and probably have an understanding far beyond me or anybody else who’s read a few history books and sang a few jolly songs about people getting murdered

E i e i o

A proud rastooler, :+1:
Some other lads take offense at the term :confused:

Like me?

Its nonsense fella.

Once it stopped being a Civil rights movement it lost its real cause.

Anything other than that is lads with nothing better to do or southerns who feel insecure and want to attach themselves to a cause.

I saw it up there, down here, in Glasgow and abroad.

Its nearly all bullshit

Don’t insult our intligence you scumbag

Smart men don’t need a movie to tell us how to feel

“The crying game”:slight_smile:

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You don’t have intelligence to insult.

I didn’t realise you were burnt out of your house mate

Best IRA film ever.

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Listen fella, if there is one thing you definitely do not posess is a decent level of emotional intelligence.

So i’d leave it off

Very revealling