The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

You donā€™t know what I do or donā€™t possess.

The insecurities like

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Youā€™re struggling with the concept of nationalist and canā€™t separate from some built up notion you have of the term.

I see Ewan praising Joe Brolly for his fearless article.

I should not use Nationalist.

A patriot.

Most lads here, or anywhere, havenā€™t a bulls notion what true patriotism should be.

Its certaimly not about flags and singing songs and aupporting murderers

There you go again bringing your own perceived ignorance into the equation ā€¦ Youā€™ve built up a prejudice towards nationalists and paint them all in a ridiculous light just because a sub section of nationalists carry on like scumbags - A subsection of all levels of society carry on like scumbagsā€¦ your ill founded assertions are clouding your judgement all throughout this thread.

I dont think anyone on this thread has supported the people that attempted to murder Heffron, but every second post, no matter how measured a response you are getting from people, you just throw out idiotic terms like rastoolers and pretend IRA.

Some of us here envision a state where all Irishmen can live in peace and together as one nation - nothing to do with flags or songs, but building a peaceful fruitful place for all to live. If you want to call those people pretend IRA,thatā€™s fine, but youā€™re only showing yourself up in doing so. My guess is half of what youā€™re saying is a facade to get at 1, or maybe 2, posters, but you should just take that to pm and not keep spewing out the same old tripe.

I get your point about how Heffron was treated, most here do, but implying the club more or less set the bomb is a stretch too far in my opinion. You disagree, and thatā€™s fair enough - but youā€™ve largely been using a manā€™s suffering to either win a tedious internet battle or to build yourself up as a superman morally aloft from the rest of us, when in fact, youā€™re every much the cunt as the rest of us.

Now go way with your pretend enlightenment, youā€™ve showed enough here to us all that you subscribe to plenty of prejudices and close-mindedness yourself.


Want to live in peace but yet ye ā€œunderstandā€ a GAA Club shunning one of their own who was indeed trying to forward that very idea.

Ye are the greatest hypocrites imagineable.

And for the vast majority it is about flag waving, singing songs etc. Thats what it amounts to.

You are getting woefully offended despite the fact the comments were rarely directed particularly at you. Which in itself is revealling as maybe it causes you some embarrassment on some level.

I am who i am. I have no idea on what level of morality i an on. And yes i can be a cunt.

But that GAA Club webt fucking missing big time.

But you know what people makes mistakes and things snowball. Fair enough. Draw a line in the sand and apoligise.

Never came.

And everyone here arguimg with me and others is defending the club. Every single one of ye. And its a farce, just because of some percieved slight on ye or your GAAā€™ness or Nationalism or whatever the fuck ye are so imsecure and hung up on.

Its all bullshit. This country has alot more important things to worry about down here that are far easier solvable.

Bottom line is Joe wrote a brave and on the money piece and the pretend IRA are yp in arms. Because thays all ye are. None of ye ever did a fucking tap.

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No apology and reverting to type earlier. Quite disappointing but hardly unexpected.

Youā€™re right @ChocolateMice - itā€™s a strange version of nationalism to be totally indifferent to or even critical of the views of people from the CNR community, in particular GAA club members, who didnā€™t feel capable of supporting the PSNI in 2002.

People whose views were shaped because they or their family members were either intimidated, attacked, maimed (delete as appropriate) by the RUC and their agents or because their family members were murdered by them.

That alone would be absurd but itā€™s downright offensive to then come along and blame these same people and their GAA clubs for attacks carried out by the type of dissident groups that were overwhelmingly rejected by the population.

In general, glossing over the targeting of the CNR community by state sponsored killers and instead choosing to tar GAA club members from the north as dissident backers en masse under false pretenses is the kind of shameful stuff youā€™d associate with the Democratic Unionist Party, Traditional Unionist Voice, Fine Gael or The Sunday Independent.

It basically involves glib acceptance of attacks and murders on the CNR population (two sides involved) unless political capital can be duplicitously gained from itā€¦at the expense of the very same CNR community. You literally couldnā€™t make it up but it passes the time for the likes of Gregory Campbell, Willie Frazer and now @caoimhaoin too.


Jesus fucking christā€¦

You just confirmed everything I said in my last response - your bias has you totally unhinged.

I rarely deviate from my class clown persona and iā€™m a little vexed at myself for getting drawn in here ā€¦ but youā€™ve done nothing throughout the last few days but overstate responses and exaggerate the depth of those posts that donā€™t agree with your view point. I might have missed it, but can you point out where anyone here supported the actions of the scumbags who tried to murder him?

The moral of this whole story seems to be your over inflated ego and your inability to deal with opinions that differ from your own ā€“ your constant name calling is proof of all this.


@caoimhaoin genuine question mateā€¦ do you think youā€™ve got a bit of a post-colonial self-hate thing going on? The kind of ā€œThis country is some fucking jokeā€ type of mentality? It just comes across very strongly in an awful lot of your posts.


The club did not take a stance on policing.

Individual members took a stance on whether they felt able to support Peadar Heffron in his decision to join the PSNI.

Peadar Heffron and, now, 15 years later, Joe Brolly, clearly feel it was a disgrace that the club did not support him in his decision.

They are wrong in that assertion. For the club to do so would have been an outright political stance which would have divided the club and the community. It was a reasonable position on the clubā€™s part.

There was no excuse for Peadar Heffron being blown up.

And there is no excuse for Peadar Heffron and Joe Brolly now alleging, with no evidence whatsoever, that club members were involved in that crime, and associating the club with that crime.

The DUP took almost a decade to accept the Good Friday Agreement.

In that time, they did pretty much everything in their power to bring it down and to ruin the peace process.

Sinn Fein supported the Good Friday Agreement. Thereā€™s a difference between supporting the principle of shared policing, which Sinn Fein did, and supporting reforms which were felt to not go far enough. In 2002, what was on the table wasnā€™t enough, which was a pretty reasonable position, given that the RUC was a rotten, sectarian force, and it wasnā€™t even being officially disbanded, according to Chris Patten.

Sinn Fein had to bring the whole of the Republican movement with it and only when it was felt that necessary reforms had been implemented and the new force had done enough to earn the trust of the Republican community, was the time right to accept it.

Why did the DUP reject outright any policing reform proposals? Because they wanted the RUC to continue as the rotten, sectarian force it was.

In fact they laughably claimed that if the RUC was forced to change its badge, the Garda Siochana should be forced to do so too.

The country is full of them ā€¦ lads who hate everything and anything Irish and will get a hard on for everything non Irish ā€¦ they try to dress it up as others being insecure but clearly, the shoe is on the other foot.

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I did a bit of Post-colonial stuff in college once upon a time. Fascinating stuff. Itā€™s engrained in some people, within the psyche and is passed from generation to generation. I have a friend whose a fright for it but I canā€™t have an interesting conversation with him about it because he wouldnā€™t be intelligent enough to discuss it, which is a pity.


We all suffer a bit I think ā€¦ Maybe not so much those under 25, theyve a different view of Ireland in the world. But the very fabric of Irish society up to very recently was built on it.

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Oh absolutely, it is there in every single one of us but it can be ridiculously prominent in some. Roaring and bawling that Ireland is a joke shop of a country, that we canā€™t do anything right. Iā€™m like ā€œFuck sake look around you and tell me that weā€™re any worse than our neighbours, than the other countries around usā€. Drives me mad.

Ireland is a superb country with a superb people, a proud history and a very bright future. Thatā€™s more than can be said for a lot of others.

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Fuck yeah ā€¦ Iā€™m off to put on my Celtic top and sing a few rebel songs while marching up and down the sitting room with my flagā€¦

Up the ra!

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You forgot to say you hate the English and the Protestants mate, other than that carry on :facepunch:

Fuck me Mouse, but thatā€™s an outstanding post!

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His ā€œopinionā€ isnā€™t worth a fuck. Serious criminal cases are conducted based on evidence. What have the PSNI done for him in this regard?

Not much, it appears.

Your point is that you object to Trump supporters being called out for racism and anti-semitism. Two guesses why you object to that.

The PSNIā€™s treatment of Peadar Heffron is a serious matter. This man was a member of that force, and they didnā€™t warn him that he might be in danger of being under imminent attack when they had intelligence about it. A rather serious matter, I hope youā€™ll agree.

You can try to shut down discussion all you want. Shutting down discussion and not dealing with the facts is a hallmark of yours.

Deflection away from who? Your words here can only imply two possible things:
i) That Iā€™m trying to absolve the Real IRA of any guilt about the bomb, which you know well is balderdash, as they carried it out, or
ii) That you think Iā€™m trying to deflect from the Creggan GAA club onto the PSNI. What would you think I would be trying to deflect from the club onto the PSNI? In your mind, no doubt, blame for the bomb.

If ii) is the case, thatā€™s a clear association of the club with the bomb by you.

Well , why donā€™t you tell us what it means?

What an utterly ridiculous comparison.

i) Gay people donā€™t choose to be gay.
ii) Being gay is not a political act.
iii) Gay people didnā€™t a have a rotten police force which systematically discriminated against straight people for decades.

Peadar Heffron was not thrown out of the club. He left of his own accord. Now, quite possibly the issue could have been handled better within the club. But there was no manual about how to handle the issue because such a situation had never arisen before, and by nature it was a delicate situation. Peadar Heffron appears to have felt and still feels that if he didnā€™t get 100% support from the club for making a decision which many people within both the club and the wider CNR community could not have supported at that time, that they were ā€œselling him outā€. That was a foolish position to take and showed little understanding for why others felt they couldnā€™t support him.

Why would I pick out that quote? Because it was an absolutely key quote that reaffirmed to a huge amount of people in the CNR community that the PSNI would merely be the RUC rebranded.

Words matter.

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You are doing outstanding work here. Destroying these pretend ira cunts and their warped version of republicanism. Yourself and @HBV should get state recognition for what you have done here over the last 3 weeks