The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

These pretend ira cunts are all the same. The mask will always slip. I see it everywhere. London Oireland and New York

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No, quite opposite really.

I take it as i see it. Ireland has its strengths and weaknesses like everywhere.

But as a rule, i do not give a gick where you sre from. I will not support you just because you were born up the road from me if you are an asshole, and i will praise you if deserved even if you are from a percieved enemy.

Lads still hung up on the 6 counties at this stage have completely fallen asleep at the wheel.

I offer an alternative opinion that te lads can not handle yet iā€™m the one who wonā€™t accept other views.

The hypocriosy is outrageous.

None of ye are republicans. Ye do not understand the word.
Some of ye may be proper patriots, iā€™m not privy to all ye do, but i would suggest the loudest here donā€™t even come close. They couldnā€™t. They spend too long on an internet forum.

Its one big fraud now at this stage.

That does not mean i cannot feel sorry or pain for families who lost people. Its the tragedy of our lifetime. But it was a fucking risiculous war in the end all things considered.

As i have said for years now, a d believe me i was alot closer to your thinking at one point, once it stopped being a civil rights matter it started being a fraud.

Ya, you really get exposed to it away. Its pathetic

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Itā€™s fucking hilarious how @caoimhaoin has called others ā€œsheepā€ given that heā€™s proved himself to be the biggest sheep around on this thread.

Zero critical thinking and zero ability to debate on any substantive point without resorting to trolling.


Someone needs to tell these pretend ira latchicos that the fucking war is over, sinn fein surrendered and are working for the Britā€™s now above in the North.


Hardly a surprise, heā€™s the lad who will read an article or a book and be swayed by it straight away without any sort of critical thought.


A good man to sell a used car to in a private sale, no doubt.

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All these wankers want is to wear Celtic jerseys in the pub and sing songs about murdering old men and innocent children by bombing them. Itā€™s savage embarrassing. Men acting like teenagers. Very serious problems in the head. Most of them have never set foot in northern Ireland. Itā€™s fascinating to watch them trying to impose a warped sense of what it means to be Irish or a republican on normal people. Being away I can see these pricks for what they are. I can see right through them


Oh right. Do you mind me asking what my way of thinking is that you once shared?

One of them used to be an impressionable young man city fan until one day he met an older man at work who took him on a voyage of self discovery which culminated at parkhead


You must socialise in some awful shit holes mate


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Its very very embarrassing. Iā€™d forgive @Nembo_Kid
He grew up there and is a very very good poster. What would IFSC @Bandage know about it?


You have some of the top accountants in ireland (in their own heads anyway)carryinh on like that here surešŸ˜‚

He did in his baws

Kev is exposing the fuckers and they canā€™t stand it. Itā€™s great. It savage humiliation for them

He didnā€™t though

@Nembo_Kid is a savage poster

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These pretend ira cunts embarrass me in England. Thatā€™s why I hate them

Iā€™d say yerman Bobby Sand is turning in his grave at the thought of the type of useless cunt down south who attach themselves to him. I doubt very very much he starved himself so wasters like @Sidney and gimps like @bandage could get their kicks on the internet.

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