The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Some of the greatest Irish men were Protestant.

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You might get somewhere with some on here, but the diehard dont give a fuck brigade know best. After the civil rights marchers, including women, were attacked by animals wielding two by fours embellished with 6 inch nails at Burntollet bridge when 89 were hospitalized, the concept of peaceful protest ended.

But according to our resident jackass the nationalists should have just taken a knee and surrendered at that point. Rebels my hole. No surprise the “we won’t stand idly by” useless cunt was from Cork.


Another foreign based pretend IRA lad😂

You are one serious contradiction

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Don’t get engaged with me on this topic mate or you’ll have your Cork ass handed to you.


Ohhhh i’m shitting it.
What you will produce is a load of one sided opinions and a handful of facts that have little or nothing to do with this conversation.

Its gas.

Just because i lay alot of responsibikity at yhe door of general Creggan community and the gah club fellas go off on the maddest attacks about my knowledge or lack of empathy.

It has expised further some of the keyboard warriorship of many.

People with balance, even from the area, people with a considered abd thoughtful and maybe travelled brain would accept my views. They may not entirely agree but they would see the pov.

You try to present yourself as efucated and balanced.

Which is it the latter?

Or another keyboard warrior pretend IRA motherfucker?

I’m not going to read the last 150 posts or so, but has @anon7035031 joined the pretend IRA faction? This would be a fascinating development.


Your views display ignorance which is why people point out the lack of logic and rationale in them.

You are not an intelligent man, you’re very stupid and arrogant which is a dangerous mix. You fly off the handle when people probe your deluded and illogical ramblings, you are unable to provide anything substantial to articulate your claims. You have a victim mentality which cannot process your failings in life. When you were in Australia you were bleating like a little schoolgirl about Australian society all because things weren’t going well for you, now you’re back in Ireland it’s the same craic, all because you can’t get your head around the fact that you actually have to earn things in life. Suddenly Australia is a great place again. You’re always the victim and it’s never your own fault.

Utter stupidity, a sense of entitlement and a deluded worth of your value will create a basket case like you.

You have no perspective of the north of Ireland, your views are well out of touch. That is something a person with some balance will take on board, you on the other hand…


@anon7035031 is a man of honour and integrity


Reciting his vows with @Bandage over the green book as we speak.


You’ll have to read the last 150 posts to find out.

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Is that an attempt to engage with me? Hard to tell when it’s such garbled nonsense.

What is it that the “general Creggan community” should have done to prevent this unfortunate lad having his ass blown off?

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There’s nothing pretend about me mate.

Apart from pretending not to vote for Trump


Read back.

Now destroy me or fuck off and stop wasting my time

You are as pretend as the lot of them.

Have you bore arms?

Have you been to IRA gatherings?

Are you even a member of a political wing?

A person can be Republican or Nationalist in their views without being an IRA member for fuck sake kev

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Youre wasting your energy.


Fucking gobshites.

I must go away and do a day’s work Kevin. I’ll leave you to your, am, worldly and well informed views :eek:

who planted the bomb in heffrons car that blew the arse off of him?