The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread


Why have they not been run out of town?

They’re not from Creggan.

Why are there still dissident Republican groupings in Cork, Limerick, Dublin etc?


are they in custody?

Cork is a stronghold of dissident republicanism in the south – But I assume their days are coming to an end now as Kev is assembling a task force to run them.

I wonder will he run drug dealers from communities as well while he’s on his moral crusade.


Nope, the victim’s employers haven’t bothered their arse to try and bring them to justice.

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do you know the perps?

I’m sure Kev will be laying the problem at the general Cork community.


I see a relative of Heffron’s has came out in support of the club.

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The silence of the community letting drug dealers ruin lives - shocking - All the while Kev stood by and pontificated behind his keyboard. He more or less killed these kids through his silence and not running drug dealers from the community. He’s a fraud and a hypocrite.

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does anyone know them?

Is that why they are being topped or sent away?

I don’t know but his colleagues at the PSNI showed little interest in pursuing the men who maimed him.

So you know who it is?

And are they connected to the same fellas handing out leaflets?

Did they come from Cork?

The lads in cork are largely the exact same as you and all the other dopes here. Pretend IRA. They are nothing more than gangstars, and i know they are being dealt with in a number of ways. My ex’s brother was one and he is on his way to the clink. His family disowned him, and i think thats fair enough. All they dod was bully and intimidate. Locals had enough, old IRA had enough and the cops had enough. Its will be on-going, but these people are not comsidered republicans anymore.

Stop changing the subject.

The fact that the PSNI did not go after these guys is a problem, a massive one. But thats not the thrust of this debate.

The fact a force with a sectarian history did little to go after the bombers of a Catholic officer has little to do with the debate — really? The mind boggles.

Little to do with my point on how the community and club treated Heffron.

How hard is it for you to get your head around.

And history is the word.

Time to move on Rastoolers

I don’t know who did it but it was claimed by a breakaway faction of the RIRA.

I don’t know if they are connected to the same lads who handed out the leaflets.

Have you read any of my posts? It seems not.

And it’s very relevant if you can connect the dots - it answers a lot of your own questions.