The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Sonits an even smaller group. Even easier to deal with. Even easier to expose, even less collateral damage.

Even weaker from the community.

Ye need leaders up there. Not talkers

The thrust of the debate is that people within a nationalist community had a massive problem with the choice of Peader Heffron to join the PSNI, which is understandable.

He may have felt letdown by his club, friends and teammates which is understandable.
His club, friends and teammates may have felt let down by him, which is also understandable.

But factions of these dissident republican groups exist all across the country, even in your own county. Maybe you should look closer to home.

Itā€™s also a secret organisation with little support from the community, how do criminal drug gangs survive across any large urban area in this country. It might have a fact to do with them being armed and remorseless about the lives they lead and crimes they commit, you lunatic.

Ya and i disagree with you constant jumping back to their history.

Somebody somewhere in the community should have stood up and opened discussion on this. On all know evidence this did not happen.

There was no balanced leadership.

But again. And its my last time sayinģ it. What happened in 2002 was woefully wrong. To defend it is wrong (which you are others have here) but to not apologise and try and mend it in some way and go on the defensive as well as go silent os unbelievably wrong.

Thats a shame on the club and community. Thats my biggest gripe by miles

They hung him out to dry. They highlighted him to these people.

These are the dots ye do not seem to be able to join.

They should have had the ontelligence to look at the man they know and realise what he was doing and why he was doing it. Judge him on him, not on what the RUC did previously.

Iā€™ve defended what? Where have I defended anything you utter gimp? Iā€™ve merely said it was a stretch to lay the blame of the bomb at the clubs feet and tried to demonstrate why nationalists would resent him joining the police - the same police that didnā€™t want to defend one of their own because he was a Catholic. Iā€™ve said he was shamefully treated and the bomb was the act of murdering scumbags ā€” all these so called responses defending what was done to him are in your head, you keep mentioning them but there is no one defending what was done to him- most are merely pointing out your ignorance. Youā€™ve totally lost the run of yourself and made a fool of yourself here.


Whereā€™s your proof?

Put in context, he was joining the PSNI - an organisation that recently changed name but was resisting reforms put in place. It was a force that for years had brutalised nationalist familes with violence, intimidation and harassment. It had a long history of colluding with loyalist terror groups and military hit squads to murder many innocent nationalist families. At this point in time the PSNI was and to this day still is involved in perverting justice for many families of nationalist victims. To many people in his community Peader was a traitor and that is perfectly understandable. You canā€™t get your head around that because you havenā€™t the slightest understanding of the conflict in the north and the role the RUC created.

If the SS rebranded and claimed they had changed their ways but were resisting changes put on them in order to make them more acceptable to the Jewish Community and had given the Jewish community no tangible evidence to feel they had changed. How do you think the Jewish community would react to one of their own joining the new SS?

i have a feeling someone on here knows something, loads of lads going over to Glasgow mingling with the actual RA and discussing the war over pints in between singsongs.
it would be really great if the TFK RA brigade could help in identifying the perps and in turn make a positive contribution to the goings on in the North.

Godwinā€™s Law invoked

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well, we also had the Ku Klux Klan too, so it was inevitable really.



The proof is in the undenied actions they as a club took against him

He said it.

They do not deny.

There is your proof.

The rest is rubbish

They are defending the club.

I am saying the club is central to the problem.

They exposed him. They lacked forsight. They lacked the balls to stop people coming in on top of them promoting hate in their club.

They are somewhat responsible for his arse being blown off.

I fucking shudder to think how the revisionists will treat this period of our history in 50 years time. When you see the utterances of the likes of Bruton on 1916, WOI etc.


Can you give us a few examples of the public stands you have made against dissidents in Cork?
Speaking out publically against them?

That is not proof of how they highlighted him to people. You seem to be having difficulties linking your unfounded accusation with any sort of evidence. Some of his teammates chose not to have anything to do with him, others remained involved with him.

Revisionists? Given the depths the current generation are buried up their own holes, the useless cunts wont even be learning history at that point.

Big parliament rows kicking off because TDs were dissing each other on Snapchat while discussing motions.

No. I have not had to.
They did not effect my community.
The old IRA were dealing with them.
The Cops are now dealing with them.

We didnā€™t have need to deal with someone being snubbed by a club.

Did you deal with this? Because it sounds like it was an internal feud that ended him.

Why didnā€™t you sort it out?