The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

So i take that as a yes, you do nothing for your community? Is that it?

Yes but you’re a very naive man who will believe anything that is told to you.

You’re so insecure that you will ignore the most concrete of evidence and logic because you look like a bit of a fanny for believing a half baked story which contradicted that in the first place.

Arrogance and stupidity is a dangerous mix and you’re proof of that.

I believe myself to be well respected and regarded in my community.

But you do nothinh.


The ultimate plastic patriot.

I have to do some work now.

But carry on. You can pretend you won over the next few posts…

@Rocko / @Bandage I think this is done - can you move any further comments to a new thread or lock the thread until Joe’s next piece.


I don’t need to pretend.

The great thing about you is you are a bona fide spoofer. You come out with so much bullshit, you cannot even remember what you said last week and you’ll always be there to contradict yourself depending on whether it’s defending something or attacking it.

In fairness, it’s better than being a spoofing spoofer

The republicans here will enjoy Joe’s musings on this weeks Gaelic Life .


Will they have to balls to match this lads bravery and ability to forgive and move on.

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Good opinion piece by John McEntee on the issue.


A very fair and balanced piece.

Yep, the more time elapses the further context gets completely ignored.

The entire thrust of the article is that it’s unfair to paint a club with a broad brush.
And in the middle of all this.
“the north is a backward place”

Dear me.

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Bit of a nothing piece.

Theg still did what they did.
They still remain silent.
They atill have bot apologised.

You disagree then?

The only people who have anything to apologise for are those who were involved in blowing Peadar Heffron up.

Why should anybody else have to apologise for legitimate views which they held or hold?

Because Joe Brolly says so?

Joe, of course, made some rather opinionated comments about Barry McGuigan since he wrote those articles and poured scorn over the notion that McGuigan was attempting to act as a unifying force between the communities in the North through sport.

I’d have sympathy with the view that says he shouldn’t have been asked to apologise for those comments, even if I feel they were unfair.

The views Brolly holds about McGuigan aren’t dissimilar in nature to some of those which were held or may still be held in the Creggan community about Peadar Heffron.

So why the fuck should anybody apologise for holding legitimate views?

It’s a nothing piece

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I disagree.

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It’s a nothing piece because it fails to properly examine whether the views that many people in CNR communities held about the PSNI post-2001 were legitimate or not and instead goes into the usual cliches about “GAA volunteers” etc., which are irrelevant.