The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread


I don’t doubt that for a second, but that has to be seperated from everything else

@JoeBrolly1993 : You are unlikely to fall off a cliff if you stay grounded

Did Joe borrow that line from Enda McNulty?

I see Joe Brolly took another lovely cut off Barry McGuigan, calling him a “wee shite”.

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where was this mate?


Barry McGuigan is a peacemaker

I thought it was cheesemaker?

McGuigan should of ran crying to his lawyers to sort it out like Brolly did when Tommy Conlon slagged him off.


Three wee shits.

The bould Joe has had another cut off Mayo who he describes as “celebrity losers”, in particular Aidan O’Shea and Cillian O’Connor.

With Barry McGuigan’s second biggest fan.

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Nice article.

When he deliberately started to incite loyalist paramilitaries to start killing innocent gaa people last month that was the finish of him with me.

That’s when I started liking him

Was thinking about how important the appointment of the next director general is for the GAA this year, as get it wrong and there’s no going back given inept leadership for so long. Then thought, wouldn’t Joe Brolly be brilliant in such a role given direction it needs to take.
And so it begins @myboyblue

Fuck it the above is a Ewan mckenna tweet.I couldn’t be arsed fixing it

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Would joe be willing to take the drop in income ???

For the ego fluffing?
I’m sure he would.