The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Heā€™d have to come up with solutions instead of sniping at everyone.


In order to implement his ā€œsocialist agendaā€, Joe wants a corporate leadership structure.

In order to make things more equal, he wants to implement a tiered championship.

Donā€™t take your ideas out of the oven yet, Joe.


Thatā€™s a great article.

I thought it was shite myself.

Thatā€™s all the corroboration it needs.

Canā€™t see a world super eight in GGA myself. Comments about GPA fair enough, but beyond that itā€™s just a whinge.

I may have been overly enthused by his stance on the GPA. Iā€™d also expect the accountancy goons to be fully behind the circle on this.

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Excellent bang on the money piece.

@balbec Youā€™re a thick clueless no brained uninsightful dimwitted do what youā€™re told useless handicapped cunt.

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Go back to bed you fool.

You have no opinion you shithead, none, no opinion just smartarse quick comments. Youā€™re a joke poster who does what heā€™s told, no content no backbone no opinion just go whatever way the crowd goes. Youā€™re a useless coward who doesnā€™t know what way to think, youā€™re a fucking embarrassment.

I refer you to my previous post.

Plain and miserable is your preset response. You are the embodiment of misery.

Some sensible and some ridiculous parts to that. The Paul Kimmage reference in the middle of it is a bizarre reach.

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itā€™s a bit all over the place for me. I get his overall point, he doesnt like big brand marketing ruining children. But this isnt like Nike in America, at all. You cant buy a pair of Sky shoes. Kids arent going to come running home saying ā€œdaddy, daddy, can we please get sky sportsā€. In America, they will all want the Nike gear and that puts pressure on parents who otherwise couldnt afford it, whereas the sky one effectively has no pressure on parents in the same way.

And anyway, why is it a bad thing that Nike goes to poor areas, kits out children and does courts for the community? It is said as if it is a bad thing. If sky said they would come to our club, do up the grounds and give kids gear, then let them away. If we have to suffer their sponsorship or logo, then so be it. Surely the benefits of more kids playing and being able to play outweigh the negatives of sponsorship by these global mercenaries.

He also makes the point about the subscription and how Sky and Virgin get the most, and Eir, RTE, TV3 and TG4 scrap for the rest. Iā€™m not sure if he realises, but only Eir offer a subscription. The rest are free to air channels on a different set up that also come with the subscription channels, so I really dont get his point there.

I do agree that the GPA are going after the wrong ideals. They seem to be drifting to corporate events and junkets and big money for the big players. However that point gets lost in all his waffle about an impressionist who cancelled a GPA gig. Again, what relevance that has I do not know.

If sky brought in a full par per view for all games and the only way to watch the games was on sky, then yes, Iā€™d have a huge problem with that. But at the moment, they show 6% of all gaa championship games exclusively (14 of 88). Its hardly enough at this stage to be going so mental over. If it changes from that, or if the exclusivity changes for the worse at the business end of the championship, Iā€™d have an issue with it. But it doesnt, nor does it look like it will.


Plus Sky covers games that might not otherwise be covered live.


Happy new year Vilbox, hope you have a good one.

Brolly does not know if up is down anymore. Espouses rugby here which has embraced corporate sponsorship and created a product

What way is the tv coverage of the hurling championship going to work this summer?

Cork v Limerick is on the Saturday night of the June Bank Holiday weekend and I read last week itā€™s going to be on Sky.

On weekends when there are group matches in both Leinster & Munster maybe Sky will have one game on a Saturday night & RTE will have two on the Sundayā€¦?