The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Thatā€™s some bollox acting in fairness.

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Doubt thatā€™s even brolly

Fair play to him if he can pull a bird in a gay bar

the man is clearly checking out a prospective young kidney doner, it looks to me that he is very satisfied with her compatibility there


I saw that earlier :joy: a passing resemblance to the bould Joe but thatā€™s it Iā€™d say. Be a brave man posting something like that about Brolly given his profession

The video has gone, lads.

Which one?

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Youā€™d need to be a right creep to take out your phone and film some lad in a nightclub


He might have been taking s photograph of his pint to show his mates but had the camera switched to video

I was sent another one. Looks very very very like Joe.

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Pm please


Sheā€™s not from Mayo, this woman?

Brolly is having a mid life crisis by the looks of things.

Iā€™d say itā€™s just a crisis.

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Heā€™s been having a mid life crisis since he was 13.

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Is he married, have kids?

Separated with kids I believe.