The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

It’s not a terrible video like, all he’s doing is rubbing some birds arm

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She’s a nordie. He’s trying to de-chip her shoulder by the look of it.


Tyrone cunt posted it by looks of it. Lousy.

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Camera phones have destroyed socialising in Oireland.

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if there was camera 25 years ago, i would have a few criminal convictions now

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Chalk it down.


That is absolute shit. Seriously! Guy leans over to speak to somebody & puts hand on a woman’s shoulder??? Holy fuck! Waht a shower of cunts. Catch yourself on!


Calm down Joe

Calm down, nobody is pressing charges.

Not yet. :rofl:

Fuck sake. Thank god they lost. What kinda of cunt manager decides to send a school team out to do that and suck all enjoyment out of the sport? Is Mickey Harte managing them?

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A former Tyrone footballer is over them apparently
Jody Gormley,
Fuckit that’s just wrong

Quelle surprise


Kell surpreeeez as right. Disgrace

Looks like perfect conditions that is sickening the Dublin Kerry match a few weeks ago showed how it can be a spectacle


Joe Brolly was actually born in Tyrone AFAIK ( his ma’s crowd are from there) he’s still a wanker

Omagh CBS scored a whopping 5-9 to advance to the MacRory Cup final tonight.

Swashbuckling football from the Tyrone school as they bid to become the first Tyrone club to lift the coveted trophy since St Pats Dungannon in 2009.

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Tyrone football…