The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Your turn, unless you’re a pathetic lying nobody etc

Keep going mate…why stop now?

You’re on a roll here.

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Has any game had as big a longterm impact on a sport than when Meath threw Tyrone around the place like little boys in 1996. It led to Tyrone, and eventually nearly all Ulster teams, convincing themselves they would never win anything playing conventional football - despite Derry, Down twice and Donegal being recent All-Ireland winners at the time. Poor Jody was at the forefront too, the only Tyrone player other than Canavan to score in the 1995 final and then one of the flowers to have his petals ruffled by Meath in 96.
Hard to blame the schools much though as the Hogan is the only national competition Ulster teams are now competitive in. 1 senior All-Ireland in 10 years, no minor in 8 years, 1 U21 in 14 years (THAT Tyrone team), 2 of the last 14 senior club finalists (beaten both times). On top of that, other than McBrearty and McManus there isn’t a forward in the province that would make any of the top counties starting 15. Meath done some job on Ulster football that summer.


Meath’s approach didn’t change much between 87 and 96. I think you’re seeing something that isn’t there. In good old gaa forum style. All you need is a few probablys and I supposes.

Thats pitiful… Gaelic football is fucked if kids are at that shit.

It must have been a pyrrhic victory. Meath would need to do a job on themselves ffs.

Meaths approach was no different at all, they always played a physical style of football and other than 1 incident with O’Connell there was nothing out of order. The main difference between the teams was Meath had Graham Geraghty who gave an incredible display on the day. However being thrown about by a bigger, physical side has left a mark on Tyrones psyche that remains to this day.

First of all despite a lot of the misinformation put forward here. Jody Gormley was not the manager of the Abbey Brock team, that would be former Down footballer Dan Gordon. If it helps people to blame Tyrone then fill their boots. There is nothing like a bit of ignorance to expose a laden agenda.

As for what Meath did to Tyrone that day, it thought us that if you want to win you need to be able to cross the line, Dinky McBride had his head stamped on, Dooher was wiped out and John McDermott tried to take Peter Canavan’s ankle off, not to forget the way the Duds cheated in 1995, Tyrone learned a few lessons those years of what lengths the winners will go to.

1 senior All Ireland in 10 years? Dublin have won 6 of the last 8 which doesn’t just bode badly for Ulster, Kerry have won a couple and Donegal and Cork have won one each. 10 is an arbitrary number as if you increase it to 11 then they’ve won 2 of the last 11.

Well I’ll be damned. Another arbitrary number, you’ve jumped from 8 to 10 in mid sentence. If you had stuck with 10 then you would find that Ulster teams have won 2 of the last 10. Of the last 8 All Irelands, Kerry have won 5 in a row so again it doesn’t just bode badly for Ulster.

Another arbitrary number, one would almost feel as if you’re wanting to skew the numbers to marry in with your agenda. Dublin have won 4 of the last 10 All Ireland u21s, Galway 2, Mayo 1, Tyrone 1 and Kerry and Cork 1 each. It’s quite an even spread. What is good about the U21 Championship in recent years is the mix of winners. 2018 - Derry, 2017 - Donegal, 2016 Monaghan, 2015 Tyrone, 2014 Cavan - a meritocracy and not a procession for the top dog.

Who are the top counties?

As far as I can see Tyrone and Monagahan are currently in the top 4 counties at present and I think nearly every county outside of Dublin would bite your arm off for guys like Jamie Clarke, Rian O’Neill, Peter Harte, Odhran MacNiallais, Conor McAliskey, Darragh McVeety, Michael Murphy, Rory Grugan. In terms of quality forwards I think I’d have to say Ulster is top of the pops at the minute.

A pity Meath football seemed to fold after that, gone soft with the Celtic Tiger and turned itself into a laughing stock. They’ll have to back to inflicting GBH on the opposition if they want to start competing at the top table again.


Tyrones psyche has always been suspect. You only have to look at their record in schools and club competitions. They’d a group of fantastic footballers a while back, but it took a cynical manager to hone a system based on cheating and thuggery to get them over the line.

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Seems to be in keeping with all the recent winners bar Down and Galway and they’ve now gone to the dark side.

I think tyrone should address the problem at club and college level. Anything else is just papering over the cracks.

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A lot of text there just to confirm all my stats were correct! My post was to highlight the lack of recent success across Ulster, a province which was once considered a football stronghold. Even your defeatist attitude about the U21 over the last 10 years is telling, 4 to Leinster, 3 to Connacht, 2 to Munster and 1 to Ulster and you consider it an even spread!
As for the supposed quality forwards you mentioned, there is no point just naming lads. The idea that lads like O’Neil, McCaliskey or McVeety would get near the Dublin or Kerry starting forwards is beyond fantasy. While Harte is a fine footballer, he is a back used as a forward by Tyrone due to them having little scoring threat other than Morgan.

They don’t have a problem at club level. It’s over a decade since a senior club did back to backs. We have a host of recent intermediate and junior AI champions.

You said college competitions aren’t organised on a county basis so you need to have a word with yourself there as you’re mired in contradictions.

Be careful there now, according to @Cicero_Dandi a Pyrrhic victory is one where the team that wins doesn’t win the ultimate prize, famously every victory Liverpool had in last year’s champions league was Pyrrhic

It’s all about the winning.

Friday night flat out on the internet arguing with strangers over nothing, and then back up first thing Saturday morning and at it again


So your argument is that tyrone clubs are knocking themselves out. That doesn’t explain why tyrone schools do so badly?

They were also drug cheats.