The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Beautifully juxtaposed with the clip of him diving on the ground when david brady knocked into him later on in the game.

Good riddance to the jumped up little nordie bollix, sitting there talking over the likes of Pat Spillane with his one All Ireland medal

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Youā€™ll be laughing when heā€™s announced as yeā€™re next manager.

Wheelie Bin he calls him. Hes a gas cunt that way


Painful cunts


7/4 to appear on Sunday game next year?

Heā€™s not completely axed is he

Tfk could make him trend on twitter.


Joe is box office all the same.They should just have joe on as the only pundit really then he wouldnā€™t have to talk over anyone.


I think RTE are right on this one. Brollys comments about Gough at halftime were disgraceful. A few weeks ago he said Gough should referee every all Ireland final as he is the best ref in the country by a mile.

He then writes a twee article about how he rang Gough and Gough made him see the light and all the decisions were correct. He canā€™t even stand over his own supposedly impartial analysis anymore.

His love in with the dubs is also sickening. Also he never entertains any other analysts point of view and either cuts across them and tells them they are wrong or sneers them.

All in all I think joe might be losing his marbles


Wonder is he gone too far down the road to pull back from the antagonist and agitator role? Guy is clearly intelligent and weā€™ll spoken and knows the game so, if he gets another bite at it, does he change tact and try a more cerebral approach?

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Dunno. His articles are becoming more caricatured by the week. Maybe heā€™s just getting boring.

Mid life crisis.

Surprised thereā€™s not odds on one of the players shouting ā€œwhat do you make of that Joe Brollyā€?

Has Joe yet reached the Tom Humphries phase where he would write an article about not being able to come up with any ideas for said article

Thatā€™s when the alarm bells really start ringing

Iā€™d say Mickey Harte is having a right good chuckle at this.

They probably both see RTE as enemies now although itā€™s safe to say the old adage the enemy of my enemy doesnā€™t hold here.

I hear Brolly is taking over ā€œThe GAA Hourā€ next year.

The name will have to change to The GAA Hoor