The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Brolly never pandered to the PC brigade and you have to admire him for that. RTE however are a physcophantic shower of cunts who are the exact opposite. Derek McGrath and Og Cusack disgraced and humiliated themselves during the summer and they are still indulged. Spillane and Whelan can’t see anything with the blinkers on and they are still there. Instead we will have more monotone ramblings of Fitzmaurice and Rochford from here on in. Joe will be even more box office on a podcast.


That goes for so many oirish twitter commentators. ‘i dont usually agree with ewan/wooly/whoever but now that they raise a point that fits in with my own view i have to say i agree with them on this’ as if this sudden validation from some weirdo on the internet counts for anything

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TV sports analysis is supposed to be a mixture of actual analysis and entertainment

RTE had the template nailed for years

You need the yin and yang

Without the entertainment, people won’t bother watching the analysis segments

Look at the RTE association football panel now Dunphy is gone, it’s dreadful

Of course Brolly talks a lot of shit but that’s the point

It’s why you watch


Shefflin as well.

RTE have started bringing in a younger set of pundits this year. I expect that the line up will evolve and Brolly being moved on is part of it. They should do a proper mid week analysis / preview show though.


Brolly made the mistake of speaking out against Kerry. Everything else would have been tolerated, bar that.


Absolutely. Brolly has come out with far more ridiculous shit than this over the years

They were probably going to drop him anyway.

Brolly the only one to really call it as he sees it - Mayo, Aidan O’Shea, Hennelly and their lack of bottle. The Sean Cavanagh rugby football tackle v Monaghan. Etc

What we’ll have now is more Dessie Dolan’s and Rochford’s who won’t say anything critical or even mildly controversial.

I was wrong about Cantwell, she’s actually good and provokes debate unlike that ape Des.

I like Brolly, don’t always agree with him but he’s entertaining. A sad day if the PC brigade have forced him out.

Hopefully the offensive sight of three privileged white males won’t affront us any longer…Kevin sharkey seems a suitable replacement


What, with Anthony daly?
“dat dere wouldn’t have happened in my day heh heh heh”


The best thing about Joanne is she’s happy to call out the crap some of the pundits come out with, and stare them down.
She is great.
She’s also a lot easier on the eye than the quinnsworth butcher, and Spillane, who looks like his head could explode at any time, brolly, who looks like he should be in an underground river looking for a ring, and whelan who looks like a lad who might do the door at a strip club for the kinehans


Fantastic assessment in fairness. @myboyblue will go mad, he’s a big fan of Whelan.

And that Kildare lad…

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What’s behind this decision?

Perfect for Whelo :clap::clap::clap::clap:


That clip of Whelan marching down to the hill when the Mayo lads took the Hill end for their warm up always gives me a chuckle.
End of story.

What were you going for here? Sycophantic?


Exactly. Everyday is a school day.

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'Tis the free staters implementing a hard border.