The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Ah Brolly is tremendous fun.

He has self awareness levels a 13month old child would be proud of

1, if one was being charitable


What Brolly suffers from is not unique to him, but is also with most Derry men.

If Brolly had more minerals about him as a footballer then he might have more medals himself. I watched the Derry Down game in 94 back there over the weekend, Brolly started off on fire, Down brought a new man on to mark him and Brolly simply did not want to know about it as Down put them out in their own back yard.

What was most surprising about that was that Derry actually had supporters attending games back in those days, of course that was before they stabbed one of their heroes in the back.

They won the game that evening as well but then got knocked out of the championship fairly comfortably by Sligo the next day. After that Harte took over and changed everything.

That clip was circulating years ago, itā€™s no harm to have it doing the rounds again though.

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An awful lot of that 2002 side were still u21 that year.

He hung his poor aul brother out to dry completely. Joeā€™s a great man to express an opinion through the medium of what someone else told him

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To be fair if there was a back door in the 1990s there is a huge chance Derry might have won at least one more . They were in a hugely competitive ulster championship those years .

Well I was at the match so up your hole with a big jam roll, as they say on the falls road. Down brought on a lad who floored brolly within a few secondsā€¦a booking. Brolly probably should have stayed downā€¦if had been a Tyrone man heā€™d have stayed down without even being hit.
Brolly didnā€™t hide at all, quite the opposite. The reason he didnā€™t see any ball was due to a previous incident which is worthy of a novel in itself.

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Aye, its been on the go for a while now. Gas wee fucker is Joe.

Brolly might as well has stayed down as he didnā€™t touch leather for the next 40 odd minutes.

I have the game on the box, Brolly simply did not want to know about it after that.

Heā€™s a great lad. Totally fearless. Weā€™re lucky has him.

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Youā€™re entitled to your opinion, even if it is clouded by jealousy

Iā€™d much prefer a world with Joe to one without him.


No jealousy needed.

We have three and Derry have resentment.

Look at what ye did to poor Eamonn Coleman after he brought ye to the promised land.

Of the team that Eamon Oā€™Hara beat almost on his own in 2002 how many were u-21 that year? A few lads from the u21 team that won the All-Ireland the year before but I canā€™t think of many still U-21 that year. Galway won the All-Ireland 4 years earlier with lots of U-21s, it was no barrier in them times if the footballers were good enough. Harte came in and changed the style completely so they could compete and that was the difference.

It was a disgrace the way Coleman was treated. There were a few other unsavoury things that went on also.
But you should really focus on the depths plumbed by your own lads.
Have a great dayā€¦Iā€™ve a pile on.

Depths. Tyrone rallied around personal tragedy and delivered two more All Irelands.

Derry clandestinely stabbed the man who brought them to the promised land in the back and did fuck all since then. 1 Ulster title in the following 25 years, yikes.

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Didnā€™t the clubs shaft Coleman ?? Nothing to do with the board as I understand. The clubs in Doire are very strong and powerful .