The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Who knows what went on but she seemed as if she couldn’t cope with people having strong opinions. The pundits job is to offer a decent analysis in an entertaining fashion…brolly and co were part of the entertainment. Look at what rte have now- some bland pc safe inoffensive statistical blather from a few dullards. The likes of dunphy or brolly getting it flamboyantly wrong is box office in comparison.


Couldn’t agree more mate.
Michael duignan.
I’d as soon sit in a waiting room.


I see the misogynists are out in force this evening

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Joe will make a great President one day

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Can you just imagine the seethe among lads that feel threatened by a bit of brains and personality ?

Joe is a very confident man. It threatens people.

A complex man, a man with flaws, virtues and contradictions. It drives some lads demented.

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A genuine love for his fellow man makes him stand out

He’s done a huge amount of unpaid work to encourage club football in Tyrone and similar underachieving counties

We had him below giving a talk to our players, wouldn’t take a penny and even paid a lotto subscription for the year. Different class.


He’s some buck alright. He drives lads demented for some reason.Ive met Joe a few times and he’s a great character compared to the safe dullards on The Sunday Game these days.Imagine goin for a pint with Dolan,Wheelybin,O Rourke or whatever yearra happens to be around,no neither can I.

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I’d say the likes of Sean Cavanagh and Tony Davis would be a barrel of laughs.

Tony Davis would be a great wingman if you’re out on the pull I reckon

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Joe is great craic if you ever meet him out.

I’d say he’d wing you alright.

Its great to hear stories like that. Lads like joe are the backbone of the gaa. You’ve fellas that only follow the county team in search of a bit of glory, they probably see the club as a distraction…unless it’s ‘club tyrone’ of course.


You’re obsessed.

You have to feel sorry for Brolly though.

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I’m familiar with her as I listen in every Thursday and love it.
Is that true,tho? I thought he was married with kids etc?

Think he left his wife and kids.