The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Calling him a pedo. He was a fucking idiot who told a stupid joke. Calling him a pedo because some fella on the internet said something you didnā€™t like? Really?

Wind in your ā€˜Iā€™m captain GAAā€™ head ffssake. I didnā€™t call him a Paedo. I called him the TikTok Paedo guy. Itā€™s pretty much all heā€™s known for.

ā€œAidoā€ appears to simple minded roasters because he sings Garth Brooks songs.

Nice backtrack.

Iā€™m done. Good luck.

Donā€™t let the trapdoor hit you on the way out.


If thereā€™s any demographic that really hates aidan o shea itā€™s simple minded roasters

Simple minded roasters love Aidan Oā€™Shea.

Heā€™s a bollocks.

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I donā€™t really see why Aidan Oā€™Shea rubs people up the wrong way but he wouldnā€™t lace Paul Mannionā€™s boots as a footballer or singer.

No self respecting golf course would allow a patron use their course dressed like that

Well you wouldnā€™t know because the whole fucking thing is made up. ā€œthe backroom team had to draw a picture of Sean cavanagh on a fagbox so he knew who he was marking. Michael had it in his pocket so he could remind himself every few minutes because he has great authenticity like Leonardo da Vinci, or Niall Horan, but heā€™s as thick as fuckā€.
Joe is one of those absolute cunts who deep down has such an inferiority complex that he despises anyone he perceives beneath him, which is nearly everyone, but likes it very much when they know their place and tug the little forelock off the side of their simple beetroot faces with workworn hands, and is a great man of the people when they do, or, he feels people he perceives as successful are above his station and he spends as much time as possible fawning obsequiously over them like Basil Fawlty over a golf club captain. The Dublin football machine, and the rich lad who sponsors mayo for instance.
Heā€™s a thady o toole of a man.


Was it the municipal course . MDMA always strikes me as a bit of a gimp albeit a likeable gimp

I donā€™t think he does. I like O Shea. I hate Cillian O Connor. I just have never seen anything that suggested this Mayo side was full of ā€˜personalitiesā€™ like what has been suggested.

Who is ā€œtiktok paedo guyā€?

Heā€™s one of the most disliked gaa players ever.

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Joe is sound. A bit insecure, a bit troubled, always was his own man, bit of a character, conflicted his own worst enemy etc but you wont meet a better lad.

Inter County footballer arrives in Croke Park on All-Ireland final day (his first). Itā€™s just about time to hit the field, thereā€™s 15 minutes to throw in.

Fukkit, Iā€™ve forgotten my boots, whatā€™ll I do. A ā€œresolutionā€ appearsā€¦Yawns.

There appear to be 2 choices here:

A).Joe makes up fairly outrageous stuff or B). MacCauley is a stone fucking simpleton.

There may in fact be evidence that A would appear the most likely answer.


Heā€™s the guy who broadcasted himself on his Tik Tok account telling a Paedo joke. He was on the Mayo panel this year.

Everything you say is true but so is what flatty says. Everyone is part sound part cunt but Joe displays the two extremes as much as anyone.

Mark Moran

Ran rings around us in the league game