The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

Some collection of cunts. Will make a change from COVID I suppose.

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To answer the question -

About 10 cents extra in the euro in tax

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Fixed for you

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Clare Byrne is some idiot.

Let us get the North to help us with our Vaccine roll out first before we piss off Paisley and co.

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@glenshane Wooly has Dermot McNicholl on this week. Nice bit with him, Dermot seems a decent sort.

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Ah Woolys not that bad.

Cheers. I’ll have a listen. He’s as sound as they come. I once say three mcguckins trying to write him off- he made a complete cod of all of them. I’d say they’re still trying to work out what happened

He had an incredible underage career, the good old days when you had 14 year olds playing senior.

Donie Brennan’s auld fella wanted Donie to play Senior Club in Laois at the age of 12 but the manager at the time Leo Turley knocked him back :rofl:


Did he say how he ended up with a broken nose?

Haven’t got that far yet

Tis but a minor footnote in the vast catalogue of Tyrone shame

What happened here lads,i didnt see CB

Claire invites Joanne’s nemesis onto her broadcasting service she them shows him the door for saying lads in the north had no time for Greg/dup racism, homophobic etc.
The sisters are doing it for themselves etc


I just watched it there,pathetic shit from CB,it was an orange lovefest


She’s a complete fucking dose


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Claire Byrne is an obnoxious cunt, a piece of milf ass à la Miriam to parade in front of the target audience male viewers of RTE. Someone can throw the misogynist label on me but it is what it is here.