The Joe Brolly tells porkies thread

We need acknowledgement and contrition.

Can the above posters form a queue acknowledge what happened and apologise to myself, @glenshane and @TheBlackSpot?


A belter of an article. Where did that appear?

Did the three of ye not flee the North as soon as you could ?


Are you not Galway based now?


Another attempt to shame our northern brethren ā€¦

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy was a political refugee if anything.

He was an asexual refugee.


I was the victim of asexual trafficking.


Nasty post.


Ahem. Sure look at the love Iā€™ve spread on this forum alone

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FOAD, you cunt. With the following post alone we can see your North\South ā€œhealingā€ would be confined to arse licking of unionism and denigration of Irishmen.

And it is of course totally false. A real blueshirt post. Maybe you could fuck off to ā€œthe mainlandā€, take your diehard unionist buddies with you and swear undying fealty to Mrs Windsor.

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The name calling has to stop for the healing to start.

Catch yourself on lad.

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Iā€™ll quit describing you when you stop lying.

The politics of Ultimatums wonā€™t unite Ireland.

Weā€™ll reach out the hand of friendship to all our Northern brethren.

When love and hate collide

Def Leppard

When hope and history rhyme.

Seamus Heaney


You could have a change of heart, if you would only change your mindā€¦

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You can fluff the PUL all you want but youā€™ll get nowhere. They refuse to recognise that their days of triumphalist, sectarian, majoritarianism are over. They need to be hammered into the acceptance of that reality. Then, maybe, we can give them a little concession or two.